

NFPA 110:是急救标准和指南有助于提供备用电力系统进行规范,电力系统需要通过适当的测试安装方式。该系统由能源需求、转移设备和安装在环境中的考虑组成。此外,这种做法将紧急情况下的电力系统划分为类型、级别和级别。
其他相关法规和行为NFPA 101(对生命安全的代码)和NFPA 99标准在卫生保健设施,减少火灾或爆炸。生命安全代码有助于解决结构,安全性和占用所需的特点,以尽量减少对任何生命形式的危害。
工业和商业应用中紧急和备用电源系统的IEEE推荐规程。(1995)。IEEE 446标准


IEE Standard 446-1995: is a common reference for engineers to design backup generators and this manual offers the proper practices that need to be considered while designing the generator.
The National Electrical Code: According to this code, under Article 700 emergency systems requirements have to be maintained and this code is further inclusive of Article 702 for optional standby systems and Article 701 for legally required standby systems (IEEE Recommended Practice for Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial and Commercial Applications, 1995).
Additionally Articles 517 for health care facilities, Article 445 for generators, Article 665 for integration of electrical facilities and Article 705 for interconnection of sources in electrical power production are all essential for being considered while installing a backup system.
NFPA 110: is the emergency standard and power systems on standby guide which helps in providing codes and conducts on the way in which power systems need to be installed by properly testing them. The system consists of energy sources requirements, equipment of transfer and considerations to install in the environment. Further, this conduct divides power systems for emergency usage into types, class and level.
Other relevant codes and conducts are NFPA 101(the code on life safety) and NFPA 99 criteria for minimizing fire hazards or explosion in facilities of health care. Life safety code helps in addressing the construct, security and features of occupancy needed for minimizing hazard to any life form.

This paper has clearly articulated various considerations with regard to backup generator usage in commercial buildings. A backup generator is a powerful device and depending upon appropriate fuel selection, size selection, requirement of voltage, placement of the device by considering the environment and focusing on codes and conducts applicable on backup generators, appropriate generator selection should be made for serving the purpose in commercial buildings.
IEEE Recommended Practice for Emergency and Standby Power Systems for Industrial and Commercial Applications. (1995). IEEE Std. 446
Shirley, W. (2006). “Overview of Distributed Generation Interconnection Issues”. The Regulatory Assistance Project

