

广告牌是大萧条时期最具代表性的广告之一,但这一时期的现实却不同。广告牌为生活幸福的美国人辩护,黑人公民的真实情况不同。黑人公民被视为由相同的大众媒体(这里的照片,而不是广告牌)巧妙地呈现真实的事态在美国。大众媒体的表述因此起到了双重作用。在一端通过形式和路标像广告牌用白色的公民也促进了种族主义的间接,在另一端,一个有意义的照片像一个代表上述挑战的神话和现实表现。在了解大众媒体和人们对现实的看法的影响下,Ball Rokeach和德弗勒认为存在一种内在的缺乏清晰度。这种固有的缺乏清晰是什么导致先入为主,偏见和偏见的概念。研究人员确定清楚的影响目前观众媒体社会模型(Ball Rokeach和德弗勒3)。受众是大众传媒的一个具体目标,媒体是媒体的信息,无论是广告牌、图片还是社会都是广大的社会。大众传播对个人有广泛的影响。媒体会宣传这样一种方式,可能对观众直接的或危险的影响的新闻(Ball Rokeach和德弗勒3)。运用这一论点对照片进行分析,可以说,广告牌的写照,然后描绘站在它下面等待基本设施的人确实有一个威胁的效果。画面的观众可能会感到威胁的是在一个社会,实际上提出了一个可爱的快乐的消费者形象一端虽然只有白色的消费者,而对其他有系统的种族主义问题要在照片中拍摄。


The billboard was one of the most symbolic advertisements during the Great Depression, but the reality during that period was different. Where the billboard advocates for the American who is living happily, the true state of affairs of the black citizens was different. The Black citizens are seen to be presented by the same mass media (here a photograph and not the billboard) cleverly presenting the true state of affairs in America. Mass media representations are therefore have played a dual role. At one end through forms and signposts like the billboard by using only white citizens they have promoted racism indirectly, on the other end, a meaningful photograph like the one represented above challenges the myth and presents reality. In the context of understanding the mass media and its effect on people perceptions of reality, Ball-Rokeach and DeFleur argue that there is a inherent lack of clarity. This inherent lack of clarity is what leads to preconceived, biased and prejudiced notions. The researchers present an audience-media-society model to determine effects with better clarity (Ball-Rokeach and DeFleur 3). The audience is the one that mass media targets specifically, the media is the media message-either the billboard or the picture and the society is the general society at large. Mass Communications have a widespread effect on the individual. The media might publicize news in such a way that might have a direct or menacing effect on audience (Ball-Rokeach and DeFleur 3). Applying this argument to the photo under analysis it can be said that the portrayal of the billboard and then the portrayal of the people standing under it waiting for basic amenities indeed has a menacing effect. The viewer of the picture might feel menaced to be in a society that actually presents a lovable image of happy consumers on one end albeit only white consumers, whereas on the other there is systemic racism issue going on as captured in the photograph.


