

玄武岩看起来并不仅仅是对大多数岩石的改变,但它也有物理性质,可以证明它的面积远低于表面没有任何钻探要求。1974、通过故意测量重力和其他磁场力在很宽的范围内,地球物理学家以惊人的高读数区。这些数据建议在玄武岩的分类可能是深奥数百甚至在表面之下的米数量巨大。地球物理的研究不能证明玄武岩的存在,但是,如果在同一地区发现更高的重力和更高的磁力,肯定有很多厚,有吸引力的岩石下面。如果所有的地球物理参数进行准确测量,有广泛的机会存在厚,深刻的岩石玄武岩下面存在。在今后的探索和实验,物理实验,被证明是一个不可或缺的组成部分(1996 157-166 Loevinger)。然而,地球物理的大力依赖,以确定勘探钻井的重点。


The new scan for deposits in the Olympic Dam was being raised on various fronts. The decision made in early 1970s to build an investigation base in Adelaide was an enormous step and brought some geophysicists into the group. In the meantime, Western Mining Corporation began to connect with masters in other geo-science disciplines. The most critical of these was geophysics. In a routine copper investigation program, geophysicists carried some portion of the workload. Western Mining Corporation went out in the field for many years, mapping rock establishments and geophysical structures, and taking a huge number of soil and rock specimens to test for copper. In the latest copper investigation program, the most critical rocks that could gather most interest were covered. This issue was constantly under consideration when the model was created, however the noticeable physical properties of basalt at the end of the day always offered the solution.
Basalt was not just change to most rocks by it looks, but it also had physical properties that can demonstrate its area far beneath the surface without any requirement for drilling. In 1974, by deliberately measuring gravity and other magnetic forces over a wide range, geophysicists distinguished areas with surprising high readings. These readings recommended where an assortment of basalt may lie at profundities of hundreds and even at huge number of meters beneath the surface. Geophysical studies can’t demonstrate a basalt presence, however in the event that a higher gravity and higher magnetic forces were found in the same area; there were surely a lot of thick, attractive rocks underneath. If all the geophysical parameters were accurately measured, there were wide chances of presence of thick, profound rocks having basalt were present underneath. In the next exploration and experimentation, geophysical experiments proved to be an indispensable part (Loevinger 1996 157-166). However, geophysics was vigorously depended upon to pinpoint the focus for exploratory drilling.
