








Purpose: The purpose of this memo is to define the impact of government policy changes on rich and poor groups and when and how the business interests have an advantage in competition for federal policy.
Impact of Government Policy changes on businesses and industries: Communal changes: The changes in feeling, similarity, detests, trend, traditions, ethics, profits, conventions, approach, customs, descents, etc. are recognized as communal changes. The institutes must confirm and approve all these communal changes .
(1) Financial changes: The changes that have effect on financial environment, in return levels, in turnover of the institutes, financial policies, etc. are phrased as financial changes.
(2) Political changes: Most part of the government is set up to be unsteady. These modifications in government, political leaders, political parties, media, press, opposition pressure, etc. are the chief motives for political changes .Even political changes have an adverse effect on businesses as well as industries.
(3) Official changes: All institutes in the nation have to pursue a set of described policies. These policies are determined by the government. The changes in system, instructions and different industry policies are phrased as official changes . All institutes have to integrate these changes exclusive of any interruption. Any abandon in obeying with any changes is imperative and may result in serious sentence.
(4) Scientific changes: The changes inclined on relation of enlargements in science and equipment is phrased as scientific changes. These changes do not only have an influence on construction, but it also involves the productivity of the institutes . Changing science as well as equipments has transformed the present business atmosphere. Use of infinitesimal machines for manufacture is principle in place of physically operated equipment. Use of mobile phones, laptops, etc. is a very important scientific change in today’s world.
