

渔业是该国重要的收入来源,因为它们在世界各地的出口和进口某些海产品后增加了该国的经济地位。世界上一些像鲭鱼渔业大西洋海岸和圣劳伦斯湾渔业的重要,memphre玛各在新不伦瑞克和许多渔业世界的省湖有水传染的问题,不利于海洋生物的健康。主流,是由海洋的西北部ST. John Eiver联合检测了收集信息的海上生活在河。哥伦比亚河沿英国东南部升起.。加入加拿大和美国的河流进行了检查和海洋生物观察。这项研究的主要目的是研究鱼类捕捞的方法.。当地的居民进行了检查,他们的方法进行检查,这些方法是否是鱼类或这些方法好污染了大海。其主要目的是致力于防治湖泊和河流的污染.。加拿大和美国的居民将密切关注捕捉鱼类或贝类的方法.。贝类和海蜇必须保存,因此他们的生活可以增加和保存。本次会议举行,这些问题进行了密切讨论部。证监会第一次会议于1893日在华盛顿举行。在这次会议上讨论了关于河流中发生的问题的调查.。决定双方政府将采取行动,对河流中出现的问题。这将有助于保护湖泊的生物和污染和污染问题可以通过采取一些预防措施解决。


Fisheries are an important source of income for the country because they add in the economic position of the country after export and import of certain sea food throughout the world. Some of the important fisheries of the world like Mackerel fisheries of Atlantic seacoast and Gulf of St. Lawrence, Lake of Memphre magog in the province of New Brunswick and many more fisheries of the world are having water contagious issues that are not good for the health of sea life. The main stream that is united by ST. John Eiver in the north western part of marine has been examined for collecting the information about sea life present in the river. Columbia River rises along the southeastern part of the British. Rivers that are joining Canada and United States were examined and marine life was observed. The main aim of this research was to look into the methods that were used to catch fish. Local habitants were examined and their methods were checked, whether these methods are good for the fish or these methods are contaminating the sea. The main aim was to work on the prevention of pollution in the lakes and rivers. Inhabitants of Canada and US will be observed closely with their methods for catching fish or shellfish. Shellfish and jelly fish must be preserved so their life can be increased and preserved. For this meetings were held and these issues were discussed closely by the ministry. First meeting of the commission was held on 1893 in Washington. In this meeting it was discussed that inquiries will be conducted about the issues occurring in rivers. It was decided that both the governments will take actions about the issues occurring in river. This will help in preserving the creatures of lake and pollution and contamination issues can be resolved by taking some preventive actions.

