

当水比空气重时,这种压力随着一个人进入水中而上升。物种在盐水环境中经过短时间的巨大压力的变化(Preisendorfer R.W.,1988)。例如,抹香鲸的长距离下潜约2250米,因为它们的身体结构要灵活得多。它们的肋骨与疏松、柔韧的软骨相联系,软骨在压力下允许肋骨塌陷。
海洋动物需要各种有机和无机物质进行新陈代谢、生长和繁殖。海洋水的化学成分提供了咸水生物所需的大量营养物质。磷和氮是所有植物类生物和植物需要光合作用。所有其他矿物质如钙是必要的用于合成的珊瑚和软体动物的贝壳。而营养是重要的生活,非常高的海水中的营养物质可以导致水体富营养化(Larson R.J.,1986)。富营养化是营养丰富的过程,可以导致大量藻类水华,最终死亡并开始腐烂。分解可以减少海水中的溶解氧,杀死鱼类以及许多其他动物。


As water is quite heavier compared to air, this pressure rises as one goes into the water. Species that stay in this saltwater environment go through immense pressure changes in short periods of time (Preisendorfer R.W., 1988). As an example, Sperm whales make long dives of about 2,250 meters down since their physical structures are a lot more flexible. Their ribs are linked with loose, flexible cartilage that permits the rib cage to collapse during pressures.
Metabolic Requirements
Marine animals require an assortment of organic and inorganic materials for metabolism, growth and reproduction. The chemical composition of marine water supplies numerous of the nutrients needed by saltwater creatures. Phosphorous and Nitrogen are needed by all plants-like organisms and photosynthesizing plants. All other minerals like calcium are necessary for the synthesis of coral skeletons and mollusk shells. While nutrients are important for living, exceedingly higher degrees of nutrients in marine water can lead to eutrophication (Larson R.J., 1986). Eutrophication is the process of nutrient enrichment that can cause substantial algal blooms which ultimately die and begin to decay. The decomposition might reduce the existing dissolved oxygen in marine water, killing fish as well as many other animals.
Taxonomy of marine organisms
The world of marine species is a quite varied, fascinating kingdom, and comprises species ranging from wild sharks and large whales that range throughout the oceans to fairly motionless invertebrates (Karl, 2002). Below is the classification:
Cetaceans- Dolphins, Whales and Porpoises
Cetaceans are ocean mammals that are adaptable in the saltwater water. There are more than 80 identified species of dolphins, whales and porpoises in the world, from the big blue whale to the little Hector’s dolphin.
