

从总体上说,可以说,种族主义是根深蒂固的社会,即使在那些似乎是温和的社会。那些声称自己是在反对种族歧视的人的那些人,他们被卷入了一些种族歧视的行为,克莉丝汀(2009)[ 1 ]。我们不自觉地不认识到我们正在参与这样做,阿伦特,(2010)[ 2 ]。因此,需要一个小时来传播关于种族歧视的意识,使地球上的每一部分都可以享受平等的待遇。
[ 2 ]见阿伦特、弗洛里安,24.1(2012):1。


Furthermore, another example of unconscious attitudes is being presented by the author that generally whenever we think of an “American” the first thing that comes in our mind is “White”. Therefore, it was found that some California college students who were supporting “Barack Obama” for presidency in 2008, were unconsciously treating “Obama” as more foreign than “Tony Blair” (The Former Prime Minister of Great Britain). Similarly, it can be thought that Americans would be at least truthfully conscious that “Lucy Liu” is an American actress while “Kate Winslet” is British, but opposite to the expectations, the results of the tests suggested that Americans considered “Liu” as more foreign as compared to “Winslet”.


On the whole, it can be said that racism is deeply rooted in the society even in those societies which seems to be moderate apparently. Those who claim that they are working against spirits of racism are found badly involved in several acts of racial discrimination, Christina (2009)[1]. We follow racial practices unconsciously without understanding that we are getting involved in doing so, Arendt, (2010)[2]. So it is need of the hour to spread awareness about racial discrimination so that everyone on every part of earth may enjoy equal treatments.

[1]  See Sue, Christina, (2009): 114-128.

[2]  See Arendt, Florian., 24.1 (2012): 1.
