

查尔斯·达尔文基于他的观点提出了“同源结构、胚胎发育和原始器官”。在过去的一个世纪里,根据逐渐进化理论模型和自然选择模型,查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)强化了认为人类进化是灵长类血统中最伟大的物种的观点,而这一观点被认为是体质人类学和进化生物学的基础,这是一个有争议的观点。为了包括人类特定进化的全部方面,根据所研究的起源,可以在智人的后代中指定四个有趣的里程碑。




Charles Darwin stated “Homological structure, embryological development and the rudimentary organs” based on his viewpoint. Over the past century, as per the gradual evolution theory model and natural selection model, Charles Darwin reinforced the idea of human evolution considered the greatest class from a primate lineage that was a controversial stance as the basis of physical anthropology and evolution biology. To include the whole aspects of human-specific evolution, four interesting landmarks could be appointed in the descent of Homo Sapiens as per the investigated origins.


Besides, the homological structure, embryological development and the rudimentary organs are based on the childhood, the FOXP2 gene and of course the lactose tolerance. Into the topic of human uniqueness, the stated text of Charles Darwin proved the consequences of the gradual evolution of human species. As per Darwin’s context, the biological evolution of human genetics broadly supports the multiregional evolutionary model of Homo Sapiens Speciation hypothesis. Between human animals and human species, the homological structure, rudimentary organs and the embryological developments reflect the specific attention to the evolutionary theory . As per the proactive analysis of the human morality, the origins of human morality are the main concern about the whole matter that was described by the geologist and biologist Charles Darwin. As per the prospects as mentioned above of social instincts, Darwin claimed that including the evolutionary theory, it helps human beings to understand better how communities and human beings acquire the whole concept of the social instinct of the sympathy rather than the self-preservation, vengeance, hunger and lust.
