





The market analysis of the George Condo provides the information related to the reputation created in the market. The market analysis also depicts the views regarding the works created by the artist and the enrichment of the works expressed by the people for the artist. The detailed view provides the information of the artist who used to be a filmmaker and the writer of the Anna Archdian. The post life of the George Condo shows the artificial realism and the also it depicts the realistic representation of the artificial in the form of the traditional style and thereby the old traditional style of the old masters are combined in the art forms of the George Condo. The numerous amounts of the art forms are created regarding the construction of the simile female art forms among which the chosen picture is one of the famous art forms of George Condo .


The American artist’s view is represented which shows the appropriate information of the art forms of the age. As the enhancement of the market is indicated, the analysis provides the appropriate forms of the arts and the presentation of the market value of the artist representing with its art forms. The market analysis also depicts the prestigious analysis of the painted real figures and thereby the awards are received in between the year 2005 and 2008. The artist paints represent the psychological twists which appeal the anatomical parts spread across the canvas with indicating the psychological Cubism. The appropriate structure is represented in the form of the prestigious awards which are enhanced by the deeds undertaken by the artist and thereby the proper representation of the analysis is depicted in this case. Therefore, the market analysis of the painting is represented in the form of the psychological twists which are represented in the sections of the society.
