



Dogs indeed suffer separation anxiety. When their owners leave them and move, then they feel threatened. It has been noted in many researches as discussed in the Literature review that these dogs might display unwanted behaviour. Some might stray and run away from home, others might cause disruptions within the home where they are left. Some others might end up creating other problems for their owners. In this context it is necessary to understand the problem of separation anxiety and devise a newer product that will help appease this. Secondly, owners also face many problems because of the separation anxiety that is presented in their pets. The owner will have to ensure that they take care of their dogs according to regulations. The owners will have to ensure that their dogs are stress free because they too will connect to the dogs on some psychological level. In this context the owner resorts to many different treatment options. Some might try behavioural training; others might even try some form of an invasive procedure that might help their dogs. However, these procedures might be too intense for the dogs and might lead them to suffer greater anxiety and stress than ever before. So the solution to this problem must be some form of product that would act as a form of less intense therapeutic intervention for the dog and would also help the owner.
