


In chapter 3, the author traces the creation of the Global economic order. Here the author presents that the United States became a new hegemon, “Having the monopoly over atomic weapons, holding almost half of the world’s monetary reserves and two-thirds of the world’s gold supply and possessing half of the world’s manufacturing capacity, the US thus occupied the predominant position in world politics and economics” (41). This is an interesting point to consider, as the United States is often accused of its hegemonic agenda. This is further more interesting to note as the emergence of the East Asian economies is more or less after the time of the development of this world dominant. Did it have an effect on the emerging economies or did it suppress the economic growth of the emerging East-Asian economies is a question that a reader would like to analyze on reading this. This interest that is evoked is furthermore supported later where the author claims “this postwar liberal world economic order was then to provide a framework for the development of economic relations among capitalist countries in the postwar years” (43). East Asian economies were not capitalist economies then, but these were emerging economies. How did the emerging economies get boosted by the capitalist economies? Herein the significance of the external actors on regional economies is highlighted. There is a consistency in the arguments and discussion line. Although supported theoretically and with facts, the book does not include figures, tables or diagrams. It is a serious and composed discussion on the topic. It does not invite the reader to participate; there is a sense of sobriety which might leave the reader disinterested. The first two chapters-the introduction and chapter 2-the theories and analytical framework presentations hook the reader, but with the passing chapters, there is a vacancy for data, diagrams and more to keep the reader hooked. This is missing in the book. Chapter 5 fares better here as it is able to provide tables of data on the actual value of exports and more. Furthermore, a comparison on the East Asian Economies is done with the economy of the United States. This form of a comparative analysis helps reader to speculate on newer ideas and connections and also take part in future research using the book as a main source.
