

根据Beuge等人(2001),在他对动机的定义中确定了4个一般特征。按照他的定义,动机被视为一个单一的过程。根据这个定义,每个人都具有独特性,所有的主要动机理论都允许这种独特性以一种或另一种方式被描述。动机的另一个特征是它有一个意图。人们认为,动机受到员工行为控制的影响(Chowdhury, 2007)。这些行为控制反过来又会受到动机的影响。动机的另一个具体特征是多方面的。



在这个模型中,人们的行为是通过帮助激励他们的东西来决定的。该模型由Taylor提供,其理性经济动机概念是一个简化的概念(Connolly et al., 2010)。当一项任务中没有多少乐趣或者提供了更少的晋升机会时,在这种情况下,不同的人会得到激励,尤其是通过金钱奖励。

另一方面,绩效是能力和动机水平的产物。然而,成功依赖于被激励的成员充分利用他们的才能、能力和方向进行适当的表演。根据Daniel,(2011),一项关键的全球研究表明,生产率下降的最关键原因在于工作士气低下。这包括缺乏积极的学习精神,动机较低,归属感较差。正是从这些角度出发,Danish et al,(2010)提出,不同种类的基于奖励的实践可能会更紧密地导致具有共性的不同策略的互补,并且与高感知绩效水平相关。有了积极的动机哲学和实践,它可以帮助提高生产力,质量和服务。这是因为动机允许个人实现他们的目标,获得积极的本质,创造改变的力量,发展个人的自尊和能力,并管理发展(Egwurudi, 2012)。Kreitner等人(1999)曾断言,尽管动机是工作绩效的一个重要贡献者,但它不是个人的。在这里,技能是需要考虑的重要因素。


According to Beuge et al, (2001), 4 general features have been identified underlying his definition on motivation. As per his definition, motivation has been typified as a single process. Each person, as per this definition, consists of uniqueness and all the main motivation theories permit for such uniqueness to be depicted in one manner or the other. Another characteristic of motivation is that it has an intent. It has been assumed that motivation comes under the workers behaviour control (Chowdhury, 2007). These behavioural controls are in turn influenced through motivation. Being multifaceted is another specific characteristic of motivation.


The underlying motivation concept is certain driving force in people through which they make an attempt of achieving particular goal so as to fulfil certain requirements. This gives rise to the key model of motivation which has been provided below:

Within this model, behaviour of people gets determined through what helps in motivating them. This model has been provided by Taylor and his rational economic motivation concept is a simplified one (Connolly et al., 2010). In a task where there is lesser pleasure involved in the tasks or offers lesser opportunity to advance career, then in such scenarios, various individuals get motivated especially through monetary rewards.

Performance, on the other hand, is a product that comes from ability and motivation level. Success, however, has dependence over members motivated to utilize their complete talents as well as abilities and directions for performing appropriately. As per Daniel, (2011), a key global study depicted that the most crucial reason for loss of productivity lies in poor morale at work. This is inclusive of the absence to positive learning spirit, lower motivation and poor belonging sense. It is in the perspective of these that Danish et al, (2010) suggested that distinct kinds of reward based practice might more closely result in complementing distinct strategies of generic nature and are essential related to high perceived performance levels. With positivity in motivational philosophy and practices in position, it can help in improving productivity, quality and service. This is because motivation allows individuals to achieve their goals, gain a perspective of positive nature, create the power to change, develop individual esteem as well as capability and manage development (Egwurudi, 2012). It has been asserted by Kreitner et al. (1999), that even though motivation is an essential contributor to performance of job, it is not the individual one. Skills are important here to be taken into consideration.
