
  本篇assignment代写-责任旅游讲了责任旅游由贾斯汀·弗朗西斯和哈罗德·古德温教授于2001年创立。两位创始人都意识到,去不同的目的地旅行会对我们所访问的地方产生巨大的影响。这种影响有好有坏,但总的来说,坏的影响是对野生动物和该地区的自然资源。本着引入“生态旅游”和“责任旅游”的愿景,责任旅游应运而生。本篇assignment代写文章由加拿大第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Responsible Travel was established in the year 2001 by Justin Francis and Professor Harold Goodwin. Both the founders had realized that travelling to various destinations puts huge impact on the places we visit. This impact could be good or bad, but generally the bad effect is on the wildlife and the natural resources of that place. With the vision to introduce ‘eco-tourism’ and ‘responsible travelling’, Responsible Travel was initiated (, 2016).

  However, for the company’ Responsible Tourism’ not only concerned with the natural resources and the wildlife, but it also takes care of the local people of the places we visit. The company emphasised to create better places for the local people to live and then to make these places beautiful tourist spots (, 2016).

  The company urges the holiday providers and even the tourists to be responsible towards the local people and their lives. Every holiday planner marketing their tours through Responsible Travel must ensure to follow the policies mentioned by the company. Moreover, the travellers are also asked to put their feedback on the website about how they see their tour eco-friendly. In case tourists find any negligence in the eco-tourism policy, they can report that to the company, which is further reported to the holiday planner to make the necessary changes (, 2016).

  Responsible Travel also emphasizes on ‘Sustainable Tourism’. This is possible with CO2 offsetting. Although carbon dioxide offsetting is quite hard to implement as flights usually emit Co2 in great quantities, the company urges the travellers to choose the destinations wisely so that they have to travel less by flights and more by other mean of transportation. Travellers can also calculate their carbon footprints using Earth’s Carbon Calculator and can make necessary changes in their travel itinerary per year. However, it’s impossible to discourage air travel, but if travellers make some lifestyle changes, they can reduce their carbon footprints. Rather than leaving the air travel, they can reduce the carbon emission on earth, during non-travelling days, suggests the company (, 2016).

