
本篇文章主要講的是語言學習,對奧拉來說,她精通阿拉伯語。這是她的母語,她能更好地掌握這門語言是可以理解的。在閃米特語的例子中,有許多種平行現象。同義平行是指在句子的第一部分和最後一部分之間的思維過程達到平衡,在句子中有連接副詞的句子結構中發現合成平行。對偶平行是指句子的第一部分和最後一部分是不同的(Kaplan, 1966)。在氣候平行的情況下,實際主語被推遲到句末。阿拉伯語中也有類似的結構。 Ola應該利用這些概念來發展對英語的理解。本篇幫寫論文由加拿大第一論文Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

For Ola, she is proficient in the Arabic language. It is her L1 language and it is comprehendible that she would have a better grasp of the language. In the case of Semitic language, there are many kinds of parallelism that are observed. Synonymous parallelism is when there is balance of the thought process between the first and the last part of the sentence, Synthetic parallelism is found in the sentence constructs where there is conjunctive adverb used in this sentence. Antithetic parallelism is when there is first and the last parts of the sentences are found to be different (Kaplan, 1966). In the case of climatic parallelism, the actual subject is postponed towards the end of the sentence. These kinds of parallels constructions are found in the Arabic language. Ola should use these notions to develop understanding of the English language.
Ola must first understand the nuances of the culture of Australia. As an inception step, it is imperative to understand the organic nature of the languages and understand that the language is a speech act that combines many heretical processes. The fundamental tenet of a language learning process understands the local culture that is associated with the process. There should be understanding that the language acquisition process is a dynamic process. Two factors need to be understood while acquiring a language. It is the social and the cognitive factors that are associated with the language. The social processes are a mixture of the social environment and the cognitive process is the ability to comprehend and react to the needs of the situation. There is an interesting and a complex dynamics that exists between the processes.
These are the fundamental tenets that Ola must consider before learning the language.
Ola a Syrian refugee is a native Arabic speaker. Based on the tenets of stages of life proposed by Vygotsky and Piaget, it is evident that Ola has had a good childhood and a great organic grasp of the Arabic language. This is her L1 language. L1 language is genetically acquired learning process. She needs to learn the English language to survive in Australia. This is the L2 language that she needs to learn. The L2 language needs to be deconstructed and compared with the L1 language for greater comprehension of the languages. She can use the constructs such as parallelism observed in the Semitic language and use it to learn the English language. Culturally, she is attuned to the culture of Syria. Her roots were uprooted and she now has to understand the Australian way of life. There should be basic comprehension of the culture in order to learn about the language. She should factor in the culture, compare Arabic language with English language and focus on the phonology to gain comprehension of the language.

