

要使一个人在激励下高效地工作,就需要一些有形的激励因素,比如为他们提供的服务提供资金。这与泰勒在其科学管理理论中提出的理论相联系。也有学者的理论和意识形态,指出有其他的内在因素驱使一个人走向绩效(Cole, 2004)。这些理论与泰勒在科学管理理论中提出的理论形成对比。动机理论如马斯洛需求层次理论、赫茨伯格模型、奥尔德费格的ERG理论和过程理论如亚当的公平理论、期望理论和特征理论在本分析中得到了探讨。本分析的目的是了解驱使人们走向生产的理论的相关性,并批判性地检验他们的各种理论。由此得出的结论是,是什么促使人们追求绩效。


泰勒理论的主要原则是最初确定执行不同任务的最佳可能方式。根据员工的能力分配员工。最适合做这项工作的人是效率高的人。持续监控工作表现,寻找有效的工作方式。管理者和员工需要花费大量的时间进行计划和培训(Lindner, 1998)。这是为了提高员工的绩效和效率。弗雷德里克·温斯洛·泰勒提出了科学管理运动。他提出了一种理论,关于什么可以激励人们去做他们的工作,以及如何提高效率(Cole, 2004)。这一理论被称为“科学管理原理”。从根本上说,泰勒认为人们的动机是为了钱。他还说,人们应该根据他们一天的生产力水平来支付工资。考虑的基本变量是工人的时间和生产力。


To make a person work efficiently with motivation, it requires certain tangible motivational factors such as money for their services that are rendered. This is in liaisons with the theories that have been proposed by Taylor in his scientific management theory. There have also been academic theories and ideologies from analysts, stating that there are other intrinsic factors that drive a person towards performance (Cole, 2004). These theories are in contrast to the theories that have been proposed by Taylor in the scientific management theory. Motivational theories such as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Hertzberg model, Alderferg’s ERG theory and process theories such as Adam’s equity theory, Expectancy theory and Characteristic theories have been probed in this analysis. The purpose of this analysis is to understand the relevance of the theories that drive people towards production and critically examine their various theories. From this the conclusion are drawn as to what motivates people towards performance.


The main principles of Taylor’s theory were to initially determine the best possible way of performing the different tasks. Assign workers based on their capability. The best person for the job was the person who was efficient. Continually monitor the performance of the works and find efficient ways of working. The managers and the workers need to spend a considerable amount of time in planning and training (Lindner, 1998). This is to improve the performance and the efficiency of the workers. Frederic Winslow Taylor proposed the scientific management movement. He proposed a theory as to what would motivate people to do their work and the ways to improve efficiency (Cole, 2004). This theory was known as the “Principles of Scientific Management”. Fundamentally, Taylor stated that people were motivated by the money. He also said that people should be paid money according to their productivity levels of the day. The fundamental variables that were considered was time and the productivity of the workers.
