

同化时期被认为主要是在1910年至1970年的高峰期(Berndt & Berndt 1988)。这被认为是被偷走的一代。在这一点上,人们认为土著居民所遵循的原始异教文化并没有取代西方社会的高标准。同化政策的具体意图是欧洲人的生活方式具有更高的标准。他们真心希望帮助当地人达到并过上这种高水平的生活。这项法律允许土著人被认为与他们的欧洲后裔平等。这一同化政策的主要行动之一是在这几年土著儿童被迫在澳大利亚白人社会中成长的政策。这一过程将破坏原有的土著文化。


由于同化政策而在社会上发生的实际事件是,人们被迫背井离乡。由于该地区拥有丰富的自然保护区(Berndt & Berndt 1988),他们被迫搬家。这些地区的人民自给自足。由于政府颁布的政策,他们不得不找到新的工作。这导致人民生活在贫困之中。除此之外,它还导致人们在这个过程中失去了他们的文化。即使在现代,旧的专制政策的影响也体现在当前的体制中。


大学申请文书 :同化时期

Assimilation period was considered to be mainly at its peak 1910 to 1970 (Berndt & Berndt 1988). This was considered to be the time of the stolen generation. In this it was assumed that the original pagan culture followed by the Aborigines were not in lieu of high standards of western society. Specific intention of the Assimilation policy was that European way of life was of higher standards. They genuinely wanted to help the native reach and live this high standard of living. This law allowed the Aboriginal people to be considered to be equal to their European descendants. One of the main actions enacted in this Assimilation policy is the policy between these years where Aboriginal children were made to grow in white Australian society. This process will destroy the original Aboriginal culture.
It is said that the ultimate ideology behind the assimilation period was destruction of the original aboriginal culture, making people more civilized and bringing in Christianity into the region.
Actual events that took place in the society due to assimilation policies were that the people were displaced from their homes. They were made to shift residences because of the rich reserves in the area (Berndt & Berndt 1988). The people were self-sufficient in the areas. Due to policies enacted by the government they had to find new employment. This had led to a people living in poverty. Apart from this it has lead to people losing their culture in the process. Even in the current modern times impact of older autocratic policies is seen in the current system.
Owing to these policies and subsequent changes, modern Australian Legislation is towards empowering of the Aboriginal people to lead independent life of their choosing. Government helps Aboriginal people with special needs for this purpose of living life that they deem to be important. Displacing of the aboriginal people has become an obsolete concept in modern Australia.
