

Alliance Inc.曾是一个矩阵结构,现在已经成为虚拟团队组织的一部分。进一步说明,公司的矩阵结构是当前公司的共同特征。垂直层次结构与水平结构混合在一起。每个团队的每个成员向不同的直线经理报告。注重团队合作和文化合作。管理者需要有有技能的人,团队应该在一个领域有很高的技能。在Alliance Inc.的案例中,观察到有e个技术团队最初做出了贡献。现在这些团队需要和韩国的团队合作。随着企业需求的增强,这就变得复杂了。联盟团队中的单个经理无法分配和让所有成员作为一个团队工作。管理人员和个别管理人员都面临着调整远景和确保生产力的困难。有必要整合资源。在这个过程中,管理人员试图结合许多目标,并试图利用现有的资源来实现这些目标。

代写assignment :虚拟团队组织的矩阵结构


代写assignment :虚拟团队组织的矩阵结构

Alliance Inc. was functioning as a matrix structure and has now become a part of virtual team organizations. To explain further, the matrix structure of the company is a common feature in the current companies. There is a vertical hierarchy that has been mixed with a horizontal structure. The individual members of each team report to the different line managers. There is a heavy focus given to teamwork and cultural cooperation. The managers need to have people with skills and the teams should be highly skilled in one sector. In the case of Alliance Inc. it was observed that there were e technical teams that were originally contributing. Now these teams need to work with the teams in South Korea. This has become complex as the firm requirements becomes enhanced. Individual managers in the Alliance team were not able to assign and make all the members work as a single team. The management and the individual managers are facing the difficulties of aligning the visions and ensuring productivity. There is a need to integrate resources. The managers in this process try to combine many objectives and try to achieve them with the resources available .

代写assignment :虚拟团队组织的矩阵结构

When Matrix organizations work in virtual collaborations, a common issue that has been observed is the rising costs and power struggles between the managers. If the matrix structure is not properly deployed it leads to increase in costs and disputes among the groups become enhanced in this process. Conflicts that arise are not properly resolved by the managers and this leads to a whole array of implementation challenges. The managers were not able to work together cohesively to achieve the best practices. This leads to a deadlock with no real solutions that are reached. Mundane level issues were not resolved by the company and this lead to a lag in productivity. The managers who were handling the virtual teams were in a deadlock and there was increase in the conflicts. These disagreements lead to issues in implementation.
