

requirements just as they have academic requirements. Discipline is vital for individual to be trained in a professional way and is very important in practical life as well. Proper rules should be defined by community’s administration and it is then the responsibility of each individual in that society not only to follow the rules but also deem themselves responsible for being a part of the community that practices proper disciplinary codes and conduct. For instance, Indiana University has a formal code of conduct regarding campus life and various proceedings in the university. This basically ensures a disciplined society. Therefore, for a society to be just there should be defined honor codes as well as clear cut standards regarding the discipline that implies on everyone from the community. (Boyer)
The fifth principle laid down by Ernest was caring. This principle defines the fact that a college should be a caring community, a place where individuals place high value on the well-being of each member of the society and that the society should encourage providing services to the individuals of that community. Individuals build affection towards their college community because they regard fellow students a part of a big family. A college should conduct such practices that would encourage students and faculty to form a caring environment for that community. This caring environment can be



