

技术审查还取决于下列因素,即电厂发电的方法。使用最新的机械并进行适当的维护也成为高效系统建设的重要因素。因此,它也包括发电的适当机制。这些因素还包括气候条件、排烟量和产生的燃气量(Dhaundiyal and Chandra Tewari, 2015)。燃料的燃烧也包括在发电过程中。蒸汽的产生是为了适当地提高蒸汽的产生,以便适当地传导和使用燃料。描述了通过连接的发电机产生的高温和压力的具体描述方法。


介质最终由冷凝器的元件测量,因此蒸汽发生器被适当地用于发电机的问题,这是被用于发展低压涡轮。工业和商业设施是诱导增加低压涡轮,使适当的能量流动(El-Fouly et al., 2008)。该控制策略可适当地用于环境的可持续发展,从而实现对结构的优化设计。这是正在进行的全面技术审查,以便改进为进行研究而进行的这一进程。


The technical review also depends on the following factors which are the methods by which the plant undertakes the generation of the electricity. The usage of the latest machinery with proper maintenance also becomes the important factor for the construction of the efficient system. It thereby also includes the appropriate mechanisms for the generation of electricity. The factors also include the climatic condition, the amount of the flues exhausted and the amount of the fuel gasses produced (Dhaundiyal and Chandra Tewari, 2015). The combustion of the fuels also included during the generation of the electric power. The steam is being generated for the appropriate enhancement of steam generation for the appropriate conduction and the usage of the fuels. The specific ways are depicted for the depicting the high temperature and the pressure with the flowing through the connected generator.


The medium is eventually measured by the element of the condenser and thereby the steam generator is appropriately used for the generator of the issues which is being used for the development of the low pressures in the turbine. The industrial and the commercial facilities are induced for increasing the low-pressure turbine which enables the appropriate flow of energy (El-Fouly et al., 2008). The control of strategy can be properly used for the sustaining the environment, and henceforth, the cooling system can be implemented for the betterment of the structure. This is the overall technical review which is being provided for the betterment of the process as undertaken for study.
