
  本篇代寫-領導能力讲了人力資源總監(CPO)的職責是在路演中推出一套新的績效管理系統,將績效與獎勵掛鉤。作爲首席人力資源官,有必要對“Shopz for Us”未來的運作方式進行徹底轉變。卓越的領導能力在CPO被期待,因爲“Shopz for Us”期待一個重大的轉變。本篇代寫文章由加拿大第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  The role of the Chief People Officer (CPO) is to roll out a new performance management system at the roadshow, linking performance to reward. As chief people officer, it is necessary to create a seismic shift in how ‘Shopz for Us’ will work in the future. Exceptional people leadership skills are expected in the CPO as ‘Shopz for Us’ expects a major transformation.

  As a transformative leader at the top end, the CPO will occupy a strategic position in informing the CEO on business operations, systems, processes and more that drive profits for the company. At the employee end, the CPO is authentic leaders who act with integrity to create better change management. They are emotionally intelligent and hence are able to be empathetic and judicious to the employees facilitating a trustful atmosphere for organizational change.

  Brief overview of the Key Strategic Issues and Responsibilities

  Organizational change is being planned for ‘Shopz for Us’ that will have many implications for the staff. The company in identifying strategic growth initiative seeks to introduce many new aspects. In this context, the role of the Chief Information Officer is

  To both inform the company (CEO and other managerial level staff) about the opportunities and threats to the strategic initiative from the people element. The CPO has indeed provided a risk assessment of the internal organization and based on the assessment, the following initiatives are expected from the CPO.

  To create a transformative atmosphere for change management. The CPO will leverage the use of their observational skills, attention to detail and ‘can do attitude’ towards creating a transformative and change conductive atmosphere for the people working with.

  To create a performance based reward system that can link back with the change management related attritions.

