

From the above, it should be evident that the positivistic research paradigm and its associated statistical data collection and analysis methodologies are more suitable to test the hypothetical models. The phenomenological paradigm is not relevant for this research because the research objectives and hypotheses are not focused on the meaning of the relationships but rather on relationships as specified and tested for differences.
Primary data
Primary data are data that is collected and analysed by a researcher for the specific purpose of concentrating on a particular research topic or question. The process of collecting primary data is known as primary research. This is important for a researcher to conduct a primary research to obtain primary data since the secondary data is not sufficient to solve the problem or to answer the research question because of disadvantages of secondary data. Business dictionary (2008, online) describes primary data as the data that is collected or observed from personal experience is knows as primary data.
Secondary research design
A preliminary review of existing literature was conducted in order to refine research question and understand the topic. Some key word, key terms and key authors were identified by the means of this preliminary research on the basis of which the subsequent secondary research was conducted. The sources of preliminary research are previous dissertations on similar topic, text books, and library’s databases.



