
  本篇代寫論文費用-殖民公司講了殖民公司是美國的一家抵押貸款服務公司。該公司在其擴展中試圖僱傭惠普企業的服務,以整合基礎設施,使其能夠從網絡解決方案、服務器和存儲中獲得最大可能的利益。他們的主要業務目標是尊重他們的客戶。2008年的金融問題導致許多公司出售他們的抵押貸款。大部分都是Colonial買下的。現在,爲了支持他們擴展的業務,it需要更新其it基礎設施。隨着增長,該公司還必須改善其客戶面臨的數據流量問題。改進客戶體驗是絕對必要的。本篇代寫論文費用文章由加拿大第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  Evaluate operational IT organisations and their processes against the studied models

  Colonial Companies is a mortgage loan services in the United States. The company in its expansion attempts to hire the services of HPE Hewlett Packard Enterprises in order to converged infrastructure where it would be able to reap maximum possible benefits from networking solutions, servers and storage. Their key business goals were with respect to their customer. The financial problems of 2008 had led to many companies selling off their mortgages. Colonial had purchased most of them. Now in order to support their expanded businesses, it needs to update its IT infrastructure. With increased growth the company also had to improve on data traffic issues that its customers were facing. There was a definitive need to improve customer experience.

  Now in this context consider the application of the Cobit framework. I find it rather easy to understand the whole situation of applying an IT management solution for a company when using these frameworks now. If Cobit was to be applied here, then the key business objectives would first be prepared for Colonial solutions which in this case are improving on its aging infrastructure and improving their customer experience. In terms of planning and organization, I would first define the strategic IT plan that is required for the organization (PO1). IT tools and development updates in the workplace should not simply be done for the sake of doing it. A proper technological direction (PO3) must also exist. All of these aims must be communicated with the HR, and the employees (PO6-8).This will ensure the complete project quality. The next step is acquiring and implementation. In this step, the automated solutions which are needed are identified, and then the necessary acquisition process with key internal stakeholders will take place. The next step is to deliver and support and then monitor and evaluate. I believe in each of the key step of the organization it is critical to ensure that all stakeholder participation is encouraged. I would encourage the different stakeholders to play a role. Initially it would be the business object people who have an idea on the form of data input that the IT system would have to work on. Later, all other different stakeholders would be involved based on need. In the first stage of implementation, an open feedback loop would be left in order to help the employees and other users of the IT systems to report any grievance they might have. This was issues could be fixed then and there.

