代寫論文 價格-中西建筑设计的融合

  本篇代寫論文 價格-中西建筑设计的融合讨论了19世纪40年代鸦片战争爆发后,中国传统建筑开始与西方建筑风格融合。政治经济改革和东西方文化交流对中国的建筑业产生了巨大的影响(郭谦,2015)。西方的建筑设计与中国的传统建筑设计相结合,传统建筑被西方文化所改造。虽然明清两代的建筑设计在这一时期仍然很突出,但是建筑仍然是按照他们的风格来建造的。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由加拿大第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Blend of Chinese and Western Architectural Designs

  After the initiation of the opium war in the year 1840’s, the traditional Chinese architecture began to blend with Western architectural styles. The political and economic reforms and the cultural exchange between West and East greatly influenced the construction industry in China (Guo Qian, 2015). The architectural designs of West were combined with the designs of traditional architecture in China as well as the traditional architectures were transformed according to the western culture. Though the architectural design aspects of Ming dynasty and Qing Dynasty remained prominent through the period and buildings were still made according to their styles.

  The modern architectural designs in city of Beijing were influenced with both western and Chinese architecture. These buildings were made with complete concrete structures but with combination of stria, moiré, patterns of Fushou and many other traditional decorations. The designs were more traditional then western. This kind of architecture intersection could be seen in the designs of Beijing Union Hospital, which was designed by Shattuck and Hasa and Beijing Fu Jen Catholic University, which was designed by Gleason (Pan, 2004). These were the modern buildings that offered the characteristics of the Chinese architectures in Beinjing. Thus the modern architecture also displayed characteristics like open courtyards, wooden columns and sweeping roofs.

  The royal families also showed their interest in the western architecture and included western element in the construction of Yuanming Yuan. This is also called as the Old Summer Palace of Beijing. This building was famous all over the globe for blending Chinese architecture with western architecture, but had to face destruction in the year 1860 (Roth, and Clark, 2013). The Western style architectures was introduced in the banks, clubs, and corporate buildings of Shanghai, Beijing, Harbin and Qingdao at the end of nineteenth century and advent of twentieth century.

