

Dan Pink在Ted上关于“动机的困惑”的演讲显示了在工作场所的满意度和工作表现的增长与内在动机的创造之间的联系。外部激励因素不能激励员工,除非是在需要机械工作的情况下。这表明,为了发展创造力,需要有内在的动力来推动工作环境的有效性的发展。有必要利用内在激励因素显著地包括员工的成长和发展(Pink, 2009)。在许多情况下,内在动力的存在成为员工成功的主要来源和改变的动力。


在一项名为“宜家效应”的实验中,我们发现,员工的个人参与程度决定了工作成功和工作动力的发展。当员工倾向于对他们的工作产出有更大的控制和参与时,就会增加他们的动机水平,因此,这样的趋势会使工作场所的表现更好(Norton, Mochon & Ariely, 2011)。实验已经建立了这样一种观念,即积极反馈和口头激励等内在激励因素可能比财务奖励等外在激励因素更能促进员工的积极行动。因此,有必要对内在动机进行适当的管理,以便明确地管理人们工作表现的整体工作(Deci, 1971)。


Dan Pink’s Ted Talk on “The Puzzle of Motivation” shows the manner in which the growth of satisfaction and work performance at workplace is linked to the creation of intrinsic motivators. External motivators fail to motivate employees, except in cases where mechanical works are required. This shows the need to have intrinsic motivators for the purpose of developing creativity led development of the effectiveness of the work environment. There is a need to significantly include the growth and development of employees using the presence of intrinsic motivators (Pink, 2009).In many cases, the presence of intrinsic motivators becomes the main source of success and the drive for change among the employees.

In an experiment conducted under the name “IKEA effect”, it was seen that the development of success at work and motivation for work is derived from the level of personal involvement of the workers. When the workers tend to have greater control and involvement in their work output, it tends to increase their level of motivation and therefore, such a trend allows the growth of better performance at the workplaces (Norton, Mochon & Ariely, 2011).Experiments have established the notion that intrinsic motivators like positive feedback and verbal reinforcements are likely to be better drivers of positive actions in workers than extrinsic motivators like financial rewards. As such there is a need to have a proper management of the intrinsic motivators for the purpose of clearly managing the overall working of the performances of people (Deci, 1971).
