
  本篇代寫-買不起房的影響講了布法羅市公然依賴於那些被壟斷和過時的產業,城市的結構過剩和基礎設施的浪費。現有的住房存量加上高速公路和公路,超出了先前的經濟城市外殼(Glaeser和Gyourko, 2011)。布法羅目前的基礎設施狀況是社會經濟性質的結果。城市的居住方式無法與郊區的發展相競爭,郊區在1950年到1970年的20年間在面積上有了很大的增長。二戰後,住房需求的增加加速了這一趨勢,並通過聯邦住房政策的修訂促進了這一趨勢(Goldman, 2011)。這些涉及到國家住房法案的規定降低了貸款方的風險,導致利率大幅下降,因爲這些因素鼓勵了住宅社區中單個家庭的住房開發。本篇代寫文章由加拿大第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  Case Study Analysis and Discussion

  Influence of unaffordable housing

  The city of Buffalo is dependent overtly on the industries that are monopolized and outdated, the city comprises of structural excess and waste of infrastructure. There is present of stock for housing combined with the highways and roads in excess comprising a previous economic urban shell (Glaeser and Gyourko, 2011). The present outlook of the infrastructure in Buffalo has devolved as a result of consequences of socio-economic nature. The dwelling of urban manner was not able to compete with the growth of suburban that was greatly grown in terms of size for the two decades between the years of 1950-70. This trend was accelerated by the increment within the housing demand post World War II and catalyzed through the amendments brought by the federal policies on housing (Goldman, 2011). Such regulations involving the National Housing Act were responsible in lowering the risk towards the lenders which caused considerable drop within the rate of interest, as these factors encouraged the housing development for single family in the neighborhoods of residence.

  The area is reached a state where materials are limited and the labor is cheap that makes the old structures an opportunity for the progress. It is considered through the population decline that the city of Buffalo has experienced a severe nature of urban decline. It is regarded that there are very minimal efforts of quantification for the economic vitality loss in the city of Buffalo afflicted by the urban decline (Hess and Almeida, 2007). There are certain measures of activity that is of economic nature at the level of city. However, the social scientists and economists have just initiated to understand the functionality and impact of the urban decline. A model has been developed by the economists namely Joseph Gyourko and Edward Glaeser (2005) who elaborated the urban decline process. One of the core insights suggests that durable housing nature implies which urban decline process will not replicate the urban expansion process. Within the city that is growing, the housing demand is met by the new dwellings construction (Muth, 2011). When the city experiences reduction within the productivity of economy and results in the lower demand for the workers, the individuals are viewed to shift from the city. Wherein the population decline occurs in the city, the units of housing remains intact within the urban landscape of the city and creates housing stock in excess. Hence, as per the Gyourko and Glaeser’s model, a city with such a decline is to be characterized by the housing stock as it makes interaction with the housing demand reduction, resulting in the rapid drop within the real house pricing (Rappaport, 2013). The assertions made by this model is supported by the empirical evidence for the city of Buffalo as the real housing price has reduced in the latter half of the century. A critical implication of the discussed model is that reduction in the prices of houses attracts increased number of individuals that are poor and who are likely to possess less amount of human capital. It is the presence of such individuals that makes the declining city unable to restore its decline of economy. This is due to the concern that makes it challenging to attract such businesses which require the workers with high human capital levels.

