
  本篇代寫-特朗普与媒體講了在演講開始時,特朗普宣稱他不會談論政治,但後來在他的完整演講中,他只談論政治(Time.com, 2017)。因此,這更像是一場競選集會,而不是美國年輕人的勵志演講。特朗普在演講中直接攻擊了媒體,稱“假媒體會說”,“特朗普總統今天在一小羣童子軍面前說了這番話。這句話會妨礙社會對媒體及其重要性的信任。他希望這一大羣男孩相信媒體一直在反對他,因爲他深受美國人民的愛戴。本篇代寫文章由加拿大第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  His above sentence displays his political interest as he only spoke about politics. Blaming the media for misrepresenting facts in his speech is only a way to cover up for his own political remarks. In the beginning of his speech, Trump declared that he would not be talking about politics, but later in his full speech, he spoke only about politics (Time.com, 2017). Hence, it was more like a campaign rally rather than a motivational speech for young Americans. Trump has directly attacked media in his speech by saying that “The Fake media will say”, “President Trump spoke before a small crowd of Boy Scouts today.” This sentence would hamper the faith of the society in media and its importance. He wanted the huge crowd of boys to believe that media has always been against him as he is dearly loved by people of America (Foss, 2017).

  Trump’s use of political rhetoric, as analysed by Harvard psychiatrist, Dr. Gene Beresin, is unhealthy and toxic. The sentence “President Trump spoke” purely showcases the President’s strong desire to be followed and adored. Demeaning the media again proves his insatiable urge for authority, unconditional loyalty and winning obsession, be it by devaluing his rival and fellow politicians (Time.com, 2017). Young boys are more aggressive as their minds are still in process of development. They are highly receptive, vulnerable and loyal to their groups and leaders (Foss, 2017). Trump’s rhetorical speech played on all these cards to influence them, talking only about himself and boasting about his victory. He finished the sentence by saying “That’s some — that is some crowd. Fake media. Fake news”, thus, devaluing media as they believed he would not be able to win the election.

