

日本的时尚革命始于上世纪80年代,当时的设计品牌包括Comme de Garcons、Kohji Kamamoto和Issey Miyake,如今已成功扩展到无印、Kenz和优衣库(Uniqlo)等品牌。上世纪80年代,随着日本进入泡沫经济,DC burando开始繁荣。这意味着角色和设计师品牌。在此基础上,服装品牌引入了徽章或其他设计概念(Kawamura, 2004)。这些有助于明确识别某些时装设计师。随着泡沫经济的崩溃,20世纪90年代的时尚和其他一些东西一直处于混乱状态,未来几年前景不明。许多评论家发现,在这十年的后半段,浪漫主义或东方主义的元素开始发挥重要作用。最引人注目的是在20世纪90年代,时尚现象在初中和高中女生中传播了它的意识。最常见的款式包括宽松的松垮袜、短裤或超短裙从底部展开、黝黑的皮肤和染成棕色的头发(Gwilt 2006)。

The fashion revolution of Japan started during the 1980s with designed such as Comme de Garcons, Kohji Kamamoto, and Issey Miyake, having successful extension with brands now such as Muji, Kenz and Uniqlo. During the 1980s, as Japan entered the bubble economy, a boom of DC burando started. That means character and designer brands. Under this reference, there was an introduction of insignia or other concepts of design under the clothing brands (Kawamura, 2004). These helped in the clear identification of certain fashion designers. As the bubble economy collapsed, fashion along with a number of other things during the 1990s had been in a state of confusion with lack of clear outlook in the years to come. It has been detected by a number of commentators that during the latter period of the decade, elements of romanticism or orientalism started playing a significant role. Most noticeably during the 1990s, the phenomenon of fashion spread its consciousness among junior high school, and high school girls. The most common style included loose baggy socks, short pants or miniskirts flaring out from the bottom, dark tanned skin and dyed brown hair (Gwilt 2006).

代写文章 :日本的时尚革命

上世纪80年代初,来自日本的两位前卫时装设计师山本耀司(Yohji Yamamoto)和川久保玲(Rei Kawakubo)首次在巴黎的公众面前介绍了他们的时装系列。这个系列在时尚界留下了难以置信的印记。这两家公司在过去几年都成功地在日本建立了自己的品牌。然而,他们进入国际舞台,最终对整个时尚界产生了重大影响。

三宅一生与山本耀司(Yohji Yamamoto)和川久保玲(Rei Kawakubo)等后起之秀的杰出表现,最终催生了被称为日本前卫的时尚现象。颇具讽刺意味的是,山本和川久保玲的设计策略超越了长期以来与优雅时尚相关的观念,为美下了一个新的定义。这种美是建立在独立和力量的基础上的。回顾山本1982年的秋冬系列,可以说山本成功地将一些最新和最古老的时尚理念结合在了一起,以惊人的个人视角,这应该成为当代女性的标准。

During the early years of 1980s, two progressive designers of fashion from Japan, Yohji Yamamoto and Rei Kawakubo of Comme des Garcons, introduced their fashion collections in front of the public of Paris for the very first time. This collection left an incredible mark upon the world of fashion. Both had been successful in establishing their labels during the prior years in Japan. However, their entry in the international setting ended up having a major impact on the entire world of fashion.
The prominence of Issey Miyake, in alignment with subsequently emerging talents of Yohji Yamamoto and Rei Kawakubo, ended up giving rise to the phenomenon of fashion, known as the avant garde of Japan. Being quiet ironic, in their ability to transcend the long held notions related to elegant fashion, the design strategies of Yamamoto and Kawakubo casted a new definition about beauty. This beauty was set on the basis of independence and strength. Reviewing the fall or winter collection for 1982 by Yamamoto, it can be stated that Yamamoto had been successful in combining some of the newest and oldest ideas of fashion in the amazing personal vision that should be a standard for contemporary women.
