

招聘程序完成后,便可从候选人名单中选择最适合该机构的候选人。与选择工人或主管职位相比,选择管理职位的候选人要困难得多。管理职位的选择一般包括系统的程序,确保一个人的能力和资格符合该职位的要求。然而,选择工人或主管涉及能力、天资、培训、资格和技能。人力资源部门的关键作用是全面规划人才吸引特征、职业适合性、工作设计和个人特质(Bach and Edwards, 2013)。


阻碍选拔过程的两个潜在错误是光环/号角效应和对工作要求和条件的忽视。光环效应可以定义为一种倾向,即强调喜欢候选人,而不是分析最符合要求的候选人的能力。各种研究表明,大多数选择是基于第一印象。在面试官面前,求职者的举止、礼仪和着装都能体现出他的个性。研究发现,第一印象表明候选人很可能给出最好的答案。一个糟糕的求职者在面试中借了一件新衣服,他/她在面试中被认为是花花公子。面试完全根据候选人的着装和长相来判断候选人(Dagger et al., 2013)。这在选择中产生了称为晕效应的错误。应聘者更新的举止、坚定的握手、专业的礼仪、得体的肢体语言和姿势等都会误导面试官对这个人的看法。有时候,这种错误可能会发生,因为公司的特殊经历与面试官有关;忽略候选人的能力和评估(Olk和Rosenzweig, 2009)。角效应与光环效应相似,但判断候选人的依据是其消极的性格特征,而忽略了其积极的方面。例如,如果面试官听到候选人的任何负面言论,这个人很有可能会被拒绝。这是由于喇叭效应。这些角/晕效应错误可以通过不带任何偏见的决策来避免。在做出最终决定之前,面试官必须反思这个人的积极特征和能力,并了解现实(Lehto and Landry, 2012)。

essay代写价格 :选择候选人的过程

After completion of recruitment process, it is the time to hire or select the most suitable candidate for the organisation from a list of candidates. Selecting candidates for managerial position is much difficult compared to selection for workmen or supervisory position. Selecting for managerial positions generally involves systematic process and making sure that the abilities and qualification of a person matches with the requirements of the position. Whereas, selecting workmen or supervisor involves ability, aptitude, training, qualification and skills. The key role of HR Dept is to plan thoroughly the talent attraction characteristics, professional suitability, job design and personal traits (Bach and Edwards, 2013).
However, even after planning, selection errors can occur. Bad hire can result in the loss of psychic energy, training resources and time of organisation. There are various reasons for errors happening while selecting the candidate. Making mistake with selection can affect operational efficiency of an organisation. The mistakes can happen due to the lack of proper questions during the interview process, looking for specific experiences and skills only and based on which rejecting the talented candidate. Sometimes, poor job description can also lead to fill the position with the right talent. Additionally, wrong places of advertising the vacancy can also result in mistake. These issues can result in various errors of judging the right candidate.
The two potential errors that can hinder the selection process are halo/horn effect and ignorance of job requirement and conditions. Halo effect can be defined as the tendency to emphasize on liking the candidate instead of analysing the ability of the candidate that best fits the requirements. Various studies have indicated that majority of the selection is based on the first impression. A candidate’s manners, etiquettes and dress can indicate the personality in front of the interviewer. It is found that the first impression indicates that the candidates are likely to give the best answers. A poor candidate borrowing new dress for his/her interview is judged as dandy in the interview. The interview judge the candidate totally based on the dress and looks of the poor candidate (Dagger et al., 2013). This creates error in selection known as Halo-effect. The candidate’s updated manners, firm-hand shake, professional etiquettes, proper body language and posture, etc. misleads the interviewer’s opinion about the person. Sometimes, this error can occur as the particular experience of the company is associated with the interviewer; ignoring the ability and assessment of the candidate (Olk and Rosenzweig, 2009). Horn effect is similar to halo effect but judges the candidate based on the negative characteristics and ignoring the positive aspects of the person. For instance, if the interviewer hears any negative statement from the candidates, there is high chance that the person would be rejected. This is due to horn effect. These horn/halo effect errors can be avoided by taking the decision without any biases. Before reaching the final decision, interviewer must reflect on the positive characteristics and abilities of the person and understand the reality (Lehto and Landry, 2012).
