
  本篇essay代写-中国的奢侈品市场需求讲了古驰2012年在中国的销售额增长了39%。宝缇嘉(Bottega Veneta)品牌在该地区的前景最为光明,销售额超过80%。除上海外,北京是该地区最有希望实现销售的城市。加州著名的罗迪欧大道在北京金宝街上被发现。它建于2002年,这条街上有独家汽车经销商,还有一个七层楼高的宝缇嘉(Bottega Veneta)购物中心。有客户愿意购买非洲鳄鱼皮皮包,估计约5万美元。另一个需要考虑的因素是奢侈品消费的二线城市人口的增长。这应该是产品的第二个实现阶段。本篇essay代写文章由加拿大第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Most of the sales of the luxury brand in China are found to be concentrated in the Shanghai China. China has been selected for this proposal because they are the leading market for everything top expensive. In the past decades, there was a high level of counterfeiting of the products. Apart from this sales of the products were made through reverse engineering design. This has drastically changed in the past couple of decades (Carvelli, 2014).

  Gucci’s sales in China for the year 2012 increased by 39%. Bottega Veneta’s brand showed the most promise in the region and the sales of the product were more than 80 percent. Next to Shanghai, Beijing shows the most promise in the region to make sales. Rodeo Drive that is famous in California, has been found along the Jinbao street in Beijing. It was built in the year 2002, and along this street, there are exclusive car dealerships and a seven story mall for Bottega Veneta products. There are customers who are willing to buy the African crocodile skin leather bag estimated to be about 50000 dollars. One more factor that needs to be considered is the growing number of population in the second tier city for the luxury products. This should be the second implementation phase for the product.

  Hence, these aspects show that there is a strong potential to sell the products. Any strategy should encompass these details where the company can initially introduce the newer products in the established markets of Asia and Europe.

