

  科技型零售给消费者带来了探索、拓展、选择、认知和承诺等诸多优势。这些技术使消费者能够交换关系和利益。此外,他们提供了一个市场来交换产品、信息和社会交换(OKane, 2002)。这种社会交换允许零售商减少不确定性。现代零售使顾客能够在多种选择中做出决定,并要求零售商保持透明度。阿里巴巴,一个领先的电子商务品牌,已经使用技术驱动业务到下一个水平。阿里巴巴提供的简化网络得到了消费者的认可。它直接影响了经济。在当前的零售市场,技术被用来满足4A模式——随时、任何事情、任何人和任何地方。

  现代零售为品牌提供了经营连锁商店的选择,并充分利用电子商务来满足特定类别的特殊消费者(Achabal和McIntyre, 1987)。与传统的零售模式不同,技术驱动的零售为世界各地的品牌提供了在任何地方进行交易的机会。因此,消费者发现,无论他们目前的地理位置如何,都更容易从他们喜欢的品牌获得产品。这场革命主要发生在美国、英国和澳大利亚等发达国家,现在已经蔓延到印度等发展中国家。

  消费者倾向于选择技术结合零售而非传统零售,原因如下(Dwyer et al., 1987):






  Impact of technology bound retailing on customers

  Technology bound retailing gives consumers several advantages such as exploration, expansion, choices, awareness and commitment. These technologies enable consumers to exchange relations and interests. Further, they offer a marketplace to exchange product, information and social exchange (OKane, 2002). This social exchange allows retailers to reduce uncertainties. Modern retailing has enabled customers to make decisions amidst multiple choices and demand for transparency from the retailers. Alibaba, a leading e-commerce brand, has used technology to drive business to the next level. The simplified network offered by Alibaba has gained recognition among the consumers. It had impacted the economies directly. In the current retail market, technology is used to fulfil the 4A model – Anytime, Anything, Anyone and Anywhere.

  Modern retailing has opened options for brands to operate chain of stores as well as make the best use of e-commerce to address specialty consumers on specific categories (Achabal and McIntyre, 1987). Unlike the conventional models of retailing, the technology driven retailing has opened opportunities for brands from round the world to trade anywhere. Therefore, consumers find it easier to obtain products from their favourite brands irrespective of their current geographic location. This revolution can be witnessed predominantly in developed countries like USA, UK and Australia and it has now spread to developing countries like India.

  Customers tend to choose technology bound retailing over conventional retailing due to following reasons (Dwyer et al., 1987):

  - Technologies give better views about different retailers.

  - It consumes lesser time and effort than conventional retailing.

  - It gives more options to choose from and there are no constraints on purchase values.

  - Technologies tend to save money as it increases competition between the retailers and they are forced to issue coupons to retain customers.
