

从上面的表可以看出,尽管金融行业目前处于一个糟糕的阶段,长期回报的潜力公司巴克莱集团(Barclays Plc)看起来最亮的这只股票的预期收益是在所有可用的最高的股票。股票的风险测量的标准偏差的回报。回报率的标准差了上行和下行的实际回报预期均差回来了。的标准偏差包括系统性风险和非系统性风险。然而在投资组合的背景下,只有系统风险是指因为投资组合,非系统性风险变得多元化。因此每个股票的风险来衡量其β和因此,股票的贝塔列表如图所示:


It can be seen from the above table that though the financial industry is currently in a bad phase, long term return potential of the company Barclays Plc look the brightest as the expected return for this stock is amongst the highest in all the available stocks. The risk of a stock is measured by the standard deviation of the returns. The standard deviation of the returns captures both the upside as well as downside deviation of the actual returns from the expected mean return. The standard deviation comprise of both the systematic risk as well as the unsystematic risk. In the context of the portfolio, however, only the systematic risk is to be referred to since in the portfolio, the unsystematic risk gets diversified away. Thus the riskiness of each stock is measured by its beta and accordingly, the betas of the stocks have been tabulated as shown:
