

类似的情况发生一般食品工业有限公司在1998when他们获得国务院食品行业类似企业,LED对米尔斯加倍为自己的需要,随后关闭。这更是一件涉及到战略管理的问题,许多小型和中型的企业在当前全球经济危机的深刻的事件(Naumann,遇到班尼特,比斯和马丁,1998,pp. 356–368)。员工的裁员并不是一个新的情况下,只有在太平洋的品牌非常普遍但或多或少不同大小的许多组织的发展趋势。问题是,雇主的需求给予更多的优先关注组织的利益或是否坚持的员工帮助他们达到他们的舞台在今天的利益(mariappanadar,2003,页906 – 923)。然而,它已被普遍注意到,雇主往往这样做,当他们意识到削弱财务表现或在其他情况下,当他们觉得有必要这样做,寻找更可行和更环保的牧场。员工通过财务模式与组织和员工联系在一起并不总是正确的,但这种联系也是个人和情感的。雇员被认为是本组织及其业务的驱动力,从而增加其资产基础,而不是承担责任。换句话说,一个企业的成功完全是只有当它已经能够大体上保留其雇员,至少其中的一部分人仍有相当数量的年组织(耶,梅森和theodorakopoulos,2000,pp. 239–259)。而在一边,雇主的能力,以留住员工,吸引他们的工作是一个衡量组织的成功,另一方面的能力,业务增长,与员工是另一个巨大的衡量企业的成功。


A similar case had occurred with General Food Industries Limited in 1998when they acquired Premier Food Industries in similar business that led to the doubling of mills and the need for subsequent closedown of their own ones. This is more of a matter involving issues of strategic management encountered by many small and mid-sized businesses in the event of the on-going profound global economic crises (Naumann, Bennett, Bies & Martin, 1998, pp. 356 – 368). Employee retrenchment is not a new case that has been prevalent only in Pacific Brands but is more or less a trend in many organizations of varied size. The question is whether the demand of the employer to give more priority of their concern to the profit of the organization or whether to uphold the interest of the employee who has helped them in reaching the stage they are at today (Mariappanadar, 2003, pp. 906 – 923). It has however been commonly noticed that employers tend to do so when they realise weakened financial performance or in other cases when they feel the necessity to do so in search of much more viable and greener pastures. It is not always true that employees are linked to the organization and the employee through financial modes but the connection is also personal and emotional. Employees are to be considered as the driving force of the organization and its business, thereby adding it to their asset base and not rather a liability. In other words the success of a business is total only when it has been able to retain its employees by and large, at least the part of them who have remained with the organization for a considerable number of years (Wyer, Mason & Theodorakopoulos, 2000, pp. 239 – 259). While on one side the ability of employers to retain employees by attracting them to the job is a measure of the organizational success, on the other hand the capability of the business to grow in parallel with the employee is another substantial measure of the business success.
