

关键在于制定一个中央行动计划。行动计划不仅需要在组织的企业层面上完成,还需要在服务层面上完成(Truss et al, 2013)。最初的重点应该是关注可能的行动领域,并承认它们之间的联系。然后应该把重点放在优先事项上,目标应该是取得一些明确的胜利。




The key here lies in developing a central plan for action. Action plans require to be done not only at the organization’s corporate level but also at the level of service (Truss et al, 2013). The initial point should be to focus over the possible action areas and acknowledge their links. Priorities should then be focused upon and aim should be on obtaining some clear wins.


Equipping and supporting managers at every level is also essential. Certain line managers have confidence and competence of working with survey based information (Robertson-Smith & Markwick, 2009). Developing action plans is also therefore essential. Managers need to be supported as much as possible throughout each of these steps because only then action plans can be monitored and supported. This is particularly essential when action plans appear as if they are failing.
