

《查理周刊》的争议始于对先知穆罕默德的“恐伊斯兰”漫画,后来成为《先知》的一个常规讽刺专栏(The Telegraph, 2015)。这场争论的时间轴表明,最早的讽刺作品反映了自9/11爆炸案后开始的穆斯林作为恐怖分子的刻板印象。极端分子没有在政府、公民社会和媒体平台的帮助下解决这些问题,而是最终将自己描绘成威权主义者。后来的漫画描绘了先知坐在轮椅上,说“你不能嘲笑。《我是查理》(Je Suis Charlie)漫画把先知自己定位为言论自由的支持者,当然是在嘲笑他的追随者对言论自由和漫画(一种艺术表达)的限制。

加拿大材料科学论文代写 :《查理周刊》的争议

审查制度的问题在互联网的情况下是相当武断的,因为其固有的哲学是抑制不愉快的事情。互联网是一种强大的传播媒介,因为它能够绕过传统的大门,保持措施,寻求过滤从边缘或不利的声音(Molnar, 2015)。政府认为这是一种威胁,因为今天,批评的传播速度超过了政府的反应速度。每个州都在寻找“通过屏蔽信息或网站来限制互联网的使用,或通过将某些信息定为犯罪来限制使用”的手段和工具(Molnar, 2015)。

加拿大材料科学论文代写 :《查理周刊》的争议

The Charlie Hebdo controversy started as “slamophobic” caricatures of Prophet Mohammed to become a regular satirical column on the Prophet (The Telegraph, 2015). The timeline of the controversy shows that the earliest satires reflect stereotypical representation of Muslims as terrorists that began after 9/11 bombings. Rather than addressing these issues with the help of the governments, civil society, and media platforms, the extremists ended up painting themselves as authoritarian. The later cartoons pictured Prophet sitting in a wheelchair, saying “You mustn’t mock.” The “Je Suis Charlie” cartoon posited Prophet himself as the supporter of free speech, of course mocking his followers for their restrictions on free speech and cartoons, an expression of art.

加拿大材料科学论文代写 :《查理周刊》的争议

The issue of censorship is dealt rather arbitrarily in case of the internet because of the inherent philosophy of curbing what is not pleasant. Internet is a powerful communication medium because of its power to bypass the traditional gate keeping measures that sought to filter the voices from the margins or unfavourable voices (Molnár, 2015). Governments view this as a threat because today, the criticism travels faster than the governments can respond. Every state is looking at means and tools to “limit the use of the Internet by either blocking messages or blocking websites, or to limit the use by criminalizing some messages” (Molnár, 2015).
