

不断上升的运营成本、不断上涨的工资、自然灾害带来的破坏、日益加剧的竞争、各阶层人民安全的提高、恐怖主义、不断变化的消费者需求、金融市场的不安全感、不断变化的政府监管、不断变化的人口结构和技术是酒店业面临的问题。除此之外,还有一些影响公司运营的局部因素(Walker & Walker, 2012)。作为一个以服务为导向的行业,竞争中最重要的变量是人员和领导的方向。

加拿大大学抄袭 :领导模式是竞争中最重要的变量



加拿大大学抄袭 :领导模式是竞争中最重要的变量

Escalating operational costs, increasing wages, havoc from natural calamities, increased competition, increase in the safety of the people across the spectrum, terrorism, changing consumer needs, financial market insecurities, changing governmental regulations, changing people demography and technology are the issues faced by the hospitality industry. Apart from these, there are some local factors that affect the operations of the company (Walker & Walker, 2012). Being a service oriented sector, the most important variables in contention are the people and the direction of the leadership.

加拿大大学抄袭 :领导模式是竞争中最重要的变量

In this context, there is a need to develop an operational paradigm that would enable the hotels or the restaurants to sustain and gain competitive advantage. The leadership should create innovative operational procedures. This should be accepted by the employees. The changes should suit the temperament of the employees.
The purpose of this analysis is to look into the different academic followership style and the leadership models to develop a model that would enable the companies to system that would foster productivity. It has been found that of the four models of leadership the most relevant model is the Situational Leadership and principles of Laissez Faire leadership, Great Man theory and Contingency theory can be used. Exemplary followership is ideally expected in the company. The company has conformist, passive and alienated followers that need to be converted into exemplary followership. The company should use the combination of the leadership theory to apply it to the followership.
