

创新在建筑样式的进展款项通过这样理解的。这意味着之间的过渡风格的风格和革命时期的交替期间内累积的进步。风格创新的周期,集设计研究工作进入一个集体的努力。稳定的自我认同是在这里尽可能多的必要前提条件的演变,因为它是在有机生命的情况下。新的原则在面对困难的机会,最终的成功是至关重要的。韧性 – 在当代前卫的丰富可见一斑 – 有时似乎是教条的固执。例如,顽固坚持用折叠式单面 – 工程项目后,慢慢地扭动似是而非的令人难以置信的 – 解决一切可能的牛顿坚持解释一切行星子弹的原子,在相同的原则。


加拿大代写assignment之The Avant-garde and the Digital Technology

The avant-garde architecture and digital technology go hand in hand. Previously what was difficult to create is now possible with the availability of the latest technology. Today, complex geometrical figures are possible using the design tools. This somewhere down the line has also influence the design theory. Free forms are being exploited and new shapes and structures are being designed which are completely different from the regular geometric shapes. Nevertheless, the feasibility of the technology to develop functional solutions is yet to be analyzed at a larger platform.
Innovation in architecture proceeds via the progression of styles so understood. This implies the alternation between periods of cumulative advancement within a style and revolutionary periods of transition between styles. Styles represent cycles of innovation, gathering the design research efforts into a collective endeavor. Stable self-identity is here as much a necessary precondition of evolution as it is in the case of organic life. To hold on to the new principles in the face of difficulties is crucial for the chance of eventual success. This tenacity – abundantly evident within the contemporary avant-garde – might at times appear as dogmatic obstinacy. For instance, the obstinate insistence of solving everything with a folding single surface – project upon project, slowly wrenching the plausible from the implausible – might be compared to the Newtonian insistence to explain everything from planets to bullets to atoms in terms of the same principles.
