

人们已查明,稀少的自然资源曾多次导致大规模暴力事件。由于叛乱、城市动乱和种族冲突的刺激,这些最终严重加剧了国家的压力。由于经济关系和贸易的不稳定,总的暴力最终影响到西方国家的利益。这进一步刺激了移民,并产生了复杂的灾难,另外还转移了军队,吸收了大量援助(Homer-Dixon, 1996)。正如作者所指出的,政策制定者和学者特别关注独立解决三个稀缺资源。这些来源是结构性、需求和供应不足,它们在极端有害的方法下相互加强和相互作用。


It is identified that scarce natural resources have contributed in triggering massive violence a number of times. These end up strongly aggravating stresses in nation with the stimulation of insurgencies, urban unrest, and ethnic clashes. The overall violence ends up affecting the interests of Western nations by the destabilization of economic relations and trade. This further provokes migration, and generates complicated disasters additionally diverting militaries and absorbing help in bulk (Homer-Dixon, 1996). As identified by the author, policymakers and scholars specifically focus on independently addressing three scarcity sources. These sources are structural, demand, and supply scarcities which reinforce and interact with one another under extraordinary pernicious approaches.


交互的一个特定类别是捕获资源。在回顾本文的基础上,可以得出结论:环境稀缺性不应服从于政策和制度,因为环境稀缺性部分是在嵌入社会的物质环境下起作用的。一旦环境稀缺性产生了不可逆转的影响,那么就会对社会产生外在的稀缺性影响(Homer-Dixon, 1996)。尽管开明的政策和制度改革消除了造成稀缺性的实际经济和政治因素,但它仍不断地给整个社会带来负担。分析人员往往忽略了语境因素的重要性,而仅仅通过因果关系的证据,将毫无根据的结论联系起来。


One specific category of interaction is capturing the resource. Based on reviewing this article, it can be stated that there must not be any subordination of environmental scarcity to policies and institution as it functions partially under physical context embedding the society. Once there is an irreversible effect of environmental scarcity, then there is an external impact of scarcity on the society (Homer-Dixon, 1996). Even though enlightened policy and institutional reforms remove the actual economic and political factor causing scarcity, it continuously burdens the entire society. Analysts tend to be overlooking the significance of contextual factors while simply correlating unwarranted conclusions by the evidence of causation.
