


加拿大代写被抓 :由这个“她”而产生的反响


加拿大代写被抓 :由这个“她”而产生的反响

The sentence has a majority stress on ‘She’ with it occurring some five times indicating the primary subject to be the mistress addressed by Wang to the mistress’s man. The entire focus is on the mistress and the way she is the ‘hero’ in the sentence demanding the man, her companion, to chase her and also informing her of her unwillingness to wait if her man is not able to catch up on her. Through the sentence, comes a display of power dynamics which the mistress uses against her man and gets it addressed through a third person. By the sentence, the mistress is shown to be powerful, more than her man too, and makes her position and importance known by starting the chase game. The words are concrete with an abstract bent, since the indication is not direct but let known through a metaphor. The vocabulary is plain, simple, but gives out multiple meaning from its broadness of interpretation.

加拿大代写被抓 :由这个“她”而产生的反响

The sentence has a repercussion which may not be harsh in the beginning or immediately, but the man might get it after prolonged thinking about the hidden intent behind the words. The impact can be more devastating when pondered on consistently, such that it may even discourage the man to sustain his original attitude by forcing him to think more about the words and analyse what the mistress really meant. In addition, by rephrasing the mistress’s intent, Wang puts it very clearly, perhaps because she is not the one experiencing the feeling but just a transferor of exact information.
