

从历史时代到现代,人们总是试图找到管理和沟通的方法。泰勒的科学的管理人员的方法和福柯的泛光主义只会让人们担心管理人员会怎么看他们(Miller, 2014;Alvesson, 2016)。Fayol principle of management都倾向于向员工发号施令,并期望他们完成任务(Jablin and Putnam, 2000)。在这种沟通中,很大程度上是单方面的,没有真正的地方让员工表达自己的观点(Neher, 1996)。在这种情况下,员工的敬业度会大幅下降。90%的员工在完成某项任务之前会征求他人的意见(Goetsch and Davis, 2014)。调查发现,43%的员工认为他们的意见没有得到恰当的传达。在虚拟会议中,这些问题更加明显。回顾过去,人们已经明白,沟通是思想和情感的表达。缺乏这一点将会给公司带来一系列的问题。组织沟通是有效的学习和倾听,它不局限于演讲(Walker, 2014)。沟通应该有一个自然的流程。人们应该能够反思他们的表现并提高他们的生产力(Hargie, & Tourish, 2009)。糟糕的敬业度会进一步导致其他人也不能按照要求工作(沃克,R。,2014;图里什和哈吉,2004)。当员工不发表意见时,就会缺乏动力。员工流动率会很高。糟糕的员工协作将导致生产力的缺乏,并导致对公司的整体损害。从阅读材料中可以了解到,没有适当的沟通,一个公司就不会存在。

我觉得这是真的。缺乏沟通会给组织带来很多问题。当我在一家公司实习时,我发现这种糟糕的沟通水平对工作效率是一个很大的障碍。在我的公司里,有来自不同文化背景的人,他们不能流利地说英语。人们彼此听不懂,也听不懂对方的肢体语言。即使他们把最大的利益放在心里,却发现没有人真正知道该做什么。这会导致困惑和恐惧。公司里的每个人都开始觉得管理层根本不在乎,最终交付的产品并不总是客户想要的。By manager是个很好的人,但是他听不懂我在说什么。正因为如此,人们产生了一定程度的不信任和一种感觉,认为我永远不会履行必要的职责。这种感觉很伤人。这让我去追求其他的工作机会。在回顾和浏览笔记时,我认为是否有良好的组织沟通。这个问题本来是可以解决的,我可能还在为之前的沟通工作。

未来David Berlo的SMCR(通过接收者通道发送消息)信息通信模型应该得到体现(Brett, Behfar & Kern, 2009;Deetz, 1982)。这将激励员工表现得更好,总的来说,在公司氛围中会有亲和力。这将为公司带来全面的生产力。

加拿大代写被抓 :组织沟通是有效的管理方法

From historical times to the current modern times people always try to find ways to manage and communicate. Taylor’s scientific method of managing people and Foucault’s panopticism only causes the people to be apprehensive of what the management would feel towards them (Miller, 2014; Alvesson, 2016). Fayol principle of management was all attuned towards dictating tasks to the employees and expecting them to perform (Jablin and Putnam, 2000). In this the communication is largely one side and there is no real place for the employees to voice their views (Neher, 1996). Employee engagement is found to drastically reduce in such situations.90% of employee look for opinions from others before undertaking a certain task (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). It has been found of this 43% of the employees feel that their opinions are not properly communicated. In virtual meeting these issues are even more pronounced. Looking back it has been understood that communication is the expression of thoughts and feeling. Lack of this would lead to a number of issues for the company. Organizational communication is about effective learning and listening it is not limiting to giving speeches (Walker, 2014). There should be a natural flow in communication. People should be able to reflect on the performances and increase their productivity (Hargie, & Tourish, 2009). Poor engagement would further cause others to also not perform according to the requirements (Walker, R., 2014; Tourish and Hargie, 2004). When the employees do not voice their opinion there would be lack in motivation. There would be high employee turnover. Poor worker collaboration would lead to lack in productivity and leads to overall detriment to the company. It was understood from going through the reading material that without a proper communication a company will not exist.
I felt this to be very true. Lack of communication causes a lot of problems in the organizations. When I worked as intern in a company, I observed that this poor level of communication is a very big barrier for productivity. In my company, there were people from different cultures and they could not speak English fluently. The people did not understand each other nor could they understand the body language of one another. Even though they had their best interest at heart, it was found that no one really knew what should be done. This leads to confusions and fear. Each person in the company started to feel like the management simply does not care and the final deliverable was not always what the customer wanted. By manager was a nice person, but could not understand what I was saying. Owing to this there was a level of mistrust and a sentiment that I would always not perform what was needed. This feeling was hurtful. This made me pursue other job opportunities. On reflecting back and going through the notes I think if there was good organizational communication. This problem could have been resolved and I would probably be still working for my previous communication.
Going forward David Berlo’s SMCR (Sending Message through a Channel of Receiver) model of communication for information should be reflected (Brett, Behfar & Kern, 2009; Deetz, 1982.). This would motivate the employees to perform better and overall there would be amiability in the company atmosphere. This would lead to all round productivity for the company.
