

电子商务营销策略将适合年轻人,因为他们中的大多数将是学校和专业人士。因此,这一群体中的大多数人甚至没有时间去消费正餐,因为他们是在路上,他们对即时音乐访问的偏好将满足电子商务战略(Schlegelmilch, 2016)。此外,音乐的电子传输将增加内容的添加,这将进一步吸引年轻人,这将使HMV在在线音乐市场上取得成功。

加拿大代写论文价格 :营销策略的合理性

针对中年个体客户群体的促销营销策略将会有效的吸引目标受众,因为他们是以折扣为导向的(Solomon, 2014)。因此,像buy 1 get 1 free of the cd and dvd这样的促销活动不仅可以增加销售和收入,还可以增加客户群和客户市场份额(Strauss, 2016)。此外,在线平台的可用性将成为一个优势,因为没有时间的中年人可以在网上以折扣价购买音乐。因此,这些策略将有助于满足这两个客户群体的需求。

加拿大代写论文价格 :营销策略的合理性

The e-commerce marketing strategy will be suitable for the young individuals as majority of them will be school going and professionals. Hence, majority of this group does not have time to even consume meal due since they ARE on the go due to which their preference for instant music access will be met by the e-commerce strategy (Schlegelmilch, 2016). Furthermore, the electronic transfer of music will enable increased content addition which further attracts the young individuals and it will enable the HMV to succeed in the online marketplace for music.

加拿大代写论文价格 :营销策略的合理性

The promotional marketing strategy for the customer group of the middle aged individual will be effective in attracting the target audience as they are discount oriented (Solomon, 2014). Therefore, the promotional activities such as buy 1 get 1 free of the CDs and DVDs will not only increase the sales and revenue but it will also enable growth of the customer base and the customer market share (Strauss, 2016). Furthermore, availability of the online platform will act as an advantage since the middle aged individuals who do not have time can buy the music online at discounted price. Hence, these strategies will function towards catering and fulfilling the needs to be the both customer groups.
