

如果它的技术实现运营商,架构来说是有利的。复杂的几何过程,可以很容易地定义为标识的设计过程中,将增加值。超乎想象的设计,一度被认为是现实的一部分。刚性的几何形状已经让位给自由流动的结构,带来了连续性。风格进行的一个主要优点是高的性能特点。的应用是必要的,有效的,在现实的世界里,公共事业优先。风格带来的连续性,所剩无几离子pother的风格,从而增加值的建设,不仅在耐用性方面,但也从性能的角度。扎哈·哈迪德的工作是一个很好的例子。 Nordpark线铁路车站的实用设计与适应性变异的例子。

加拿大代写论文-Comparison between New Architecture Style (Parametricism) versus Modernism

If it does then with the technological implementation it carriers, architecture would be benefitted. Complex geometrical process can be easily defined to identify the design process that will add value. The designs that were once thought beyond imagination are now a part of the reality. Rigid geometrical shapes have given way to free flowing structures that brings the required continuity.
A major advantage the style carries is the high performance feature. The application is essential and effective in real world where public utility is given priority. The style brings in a continuity that is much left out ion the pother styles thereby adding value to the construction not just in terms of durability but also from the angle of performance. The work of Zaha Hadid is a prime example. The Nordpark Cable Railway stations are example of a utility design with adaptive variation.
