
今天为大家分享一篇优秀的论文范文-加拿大代写:人际关系。本文讲述的是中国是关系更密切的国家。在培养和建立人际关系(guanxi)中,人际关系更重要(Rallapalli and Montgomery, 2015)。他们依赖于对方的话,而不是合同规定。他们花时间开发和维护义务。美国的管理者倾向于给员工很大的自主权。他们认为这是一种信心,并向人民灌输质疑进程的权利。合同条款被赋予了更多的重要性,人们被要求专注于手头的任务,而不是与人的关系联系(Spillan et al., 2013)。研究发现,美国经理人关注的是最终结果或核心的有形产品完成情况。




对于一个普通的中国人来说,融入公司的同龄人群体是很重要的。他们认为自己在朋友之间表现得很好。他们很重视人际关系的发展。美国经理人如果想和中国工人一起工作,就应该注重与人民建立个人关系。中国管理者应该根据最终结果或生产力来衡量美国工人。中国和美国的管理者都应该了解对方的文化,并在文化范式的基础上设计商业运作。他们应该参与一种取决于文化的参与性交易(Sanders, 2014)。在工作环境中,应该对彼此有基本的同情和尊重。在很多情况下,美国的管理者犯了没有花时间和员工建立人际关系的错误。这会影响到运营的凝聚力和团队的亲和力(Sanders, 2014)。这会影响生产率(Wang et al., 2015)。因此,美国管理者应该花时间去了解他们的中国同行。中国管理者应该尊重个人主义,给美国工人更多的自主权,如果他们想要团队友好。




Team amiability, group productivity and impact of culture on the operational processes of the companies

China is more relational country. There is more importance to the personal relationship in fostering to building interpersonal relationships (guanxi) (Rallapalli and Montgomery, 2015). They depend on the word of the other person rather than contractual rules. They spend time in developing and maintaining the obligations. American managers tend to provide the employees with a lot of autonomy. They consider that as confidence and instil in the people the right to question a process. There is more importance given to the contractual terms and the people are made to focus on the task in hand more than the relational connect with the people (Spillan et al., 2013). The American managers are found to look at the end result or the core tangible product completion.


For an average Chinese people, it is important to be within the peer group of the company. They consider themselves to perform well when they are among friends. They give importance to developing the interpersonal relationship. The American managers if they want to work with the Chinese workers should focus on building personal relationship with the people. The Chinese managers should gauge the American workers based on their end result or productivity. The Chinese and the American managers should each be aware of the other culture and design business operations based on the cultural paradigms. They should engage in a participatory deal making that is dependent on the cultures (Sanders, 2014). There should be basic empathy and respect given to each other in the work environment. In many cases the American managers make the mistake of not spending time to develop interpersonal relationship with the employees. This impacts in the cohesiveness of operations and the amiability in the team (Sanders, 2014). This affects the productivity (Wang et al., 2015). Hence the American manager should spend time to understand their Chinese counterparts. Chinese managers should respect the individualism and provide more autonomy for the American workers if they want team amiability.


Based on these factors the managers try to develop a motivational system for the people to perform based on their innate potential. The current cultural paradigm associated with this factor has been explained in the following.
