
  本篇加拿大代写-文化新殖民主义讲了文化新殖民主义指的是另一个强国对一个弱国施加的影响(Bayefsky, 2001)。这是通过地缘政治资本主义或文化帝国主义实现的,要么让他们受到直接的军事控制,即帝国主义,要么间接控制,即霸权主义(Arnold, 2013)。这一结果也正是上文所讨论的,这意味着权利将被操纵,并被限制在特定情况下有权施加影响的特定人群中(Tomuschat, 2008)。限制或暗示人权将取决于这些人。因此,可以有把握地说,人权不受文化的限制,也不是绝对的文化相关。这些权利在性质上是普遍的,任何活着的人都不能否认。本篇加拿大代写文章由加拿大第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  At the same time, cultural neo-colonialism refers to influence that is cast by another and more powerful country over a less powerful one (Bayefsky, 2001). This is done through geopolitical capitalism or cultural imperialism, by either making them come under direct military control, which is imperialism, or indirect control which is hegemony (Arnold, 2013). The consequence of this is also what has been discussed above, implying that the rights would be manipulated and limited to certain section of the people who in the given cases would have the power to influence (Tomuschat, 2008). It would be up to these people whether to restrict or imply the human rights. Therefore, it can be safely said that human rights are not culturally bound, and are not definitely culturally relative. These are rights which are universal in nature and cannot be denied to any person alive (Hayden, 2001).

  The world that we are living in is seeing the practice of imperialism and capitalism, where in reality there are powerful states imposing their beliefs on others, making human rights redundant and relative (Streich, 2008). At the same time, racism, sexism, and discrimination on varied basis, deprive certain section of people of their human rights mostly because they belong to certain class or category or culture, which again is making human rights culturally relative (Addo, 2010).

  Thus, in conclusion, it can be said that theoretically human rights are universal. These are something that is emphasized by international bodies so that their characteristic of being universal can be emphasized which is being denied to people in many parts of the world. The discrimination exists because of various practices which are unwanted and degrading. Therefore, human rights theoretically are universal, but in reality deem to be culturally or territorially relative.

