

在最近的12-18个月里,英国石油公司的管理层与美国联邦政府和海湾国家一起解决了墨西哥湾石油泄漏事件。这使得该公司能够为未来制定战略,并在海湾地区增加产量,因为这个地区的生产成本比其他大多数生产基地都要低。英国石油公司的中期战略取决于整合下游和上游活动的形式,以便生产和营销的成本可以进一步降低。管理层的近期目标是进一步整合资源,进一步降低成本,以实现长期股东回报和增长。大多数市场的降价被视为对公司增长前景最直接的中期威胁(Cong, 2008)。

竞争是来自意想不到的地方大多数石油和能源生产国的产量更高形式的形式大多数高尔夫石油生产国家和南美洲委内瑞拉等国家石油生产商。许多欧佩克成员也不顾欧佩克决定停止供应过剩,这导致价格进一步下降。包括埃克森美孚(Exxon Mobil)、Roseneft(运营着15家炼油厂)在内的每一家石油生产商都在2014年和2015年都在增加产量,而在大多数市场,由于需求仍然停滞不前,导致供应过剩。这导致了至少在未来几个季度里房价进一步下滑的预测。


In the recent 12-18 months, BP management have settled BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill with US federal Government and Gulf States. This has allowed the company to strategies for the future and ramp up production in the gulf itself, as this location has lower cost of production than most other production sites. Medium term BP strategy hinges on integrating the forms downstream and upstream activities so that costs of production and marketing can be taken further down. The immediate aim of the management is to lower costs further by integrating further the resources in order to achieve long term shareholder returns and growth. Price Reduction in most markets is seen as the most immediate medium term threat to prospects of growth for the company (Cong, 2008).

Competition is coming from unexpected quarters to most oil and energy producing countries in the form of higher production form most golf oil producing countries and South America state oil producers such as Venezuela etc. Many Members of the OPEC has also defied OPECS decision to stop the supply glut and this has resulted in prices going down further. Each oil producer including Exxon Mobil, Roseneft (operates 15 refineries) have gone on to increase production both in 2014 and 2015, and the same has resulted in oversupply as demand remained stagnant in most markets. And this resulted in forecasting of sliding prices further in the coming few quarters at least.
