

《情绪手册》(2000)有第二版,心理学家莱达·科斯米德斯和约翰·图比在第二版中说,当一个人接触到本质上是积极的意外事件时,幸福就获得了。在同一本书的第三版,迈克尔·刘易斯曾说过,幸福是当人们看到“他们重要的另一半”时所得到的。《今日心理学》1995年版提到,当一个人被别人欣赏和赞扬时,他会感到快乐。Sara Algoe和Jonathan Haidt同时提到幸福与一系列的情感状态有关,包括喜悦、满足、满足、娱乐、满足、胜利和欣快。

加拿大代写 :与幸福相关的情感状态

研究还表明,当一个人买他喜欢的东西,当一个人生活舒适,当一个人吃得舒服,当一个人冥想时,幸福可能会被发现。有很多概念和理论可以讨论相同的问题。很多人认为宗教与幸福有关,也有人认为内在因素和外在因素也有关系。此外,综上所述,我们得出的结论是,幸福可以依赖于不同的东西,可以因人而异,也可以通过不同的因素来控制。因此,心理学家马丁·塞利格曼(Martin Seligman)提出了一个缩写词PERMA,它浓缩了使人类最快乐的因素:吃自己喜欢的东西、洗热水澡、度假等等。从事自己喜欢、学习和吸收的各种活动。父母、兄弟姐妹的婚姻。对世界上更大的东西的归属感。被欣赏和表扬。

加拿大代写 :与幸福相关的情感状态

Handbook of Emotions (2000) had a second edition, where Leda Cosmides and John Tooby, psychologists said that happiness is procured when man comes in contract with unexpected events which are positive in nature. Later in the third edition of the same book, it was said by Michael Lewis that happiness is what people get when they see “their significant other”. Psychology Today in its 1995’s edition mentioned that one feels happy when they are appreciated by others and praised by other. Sara Algoe and Jonathan Haidt during the same time mentioned that happiness is related to a series of emotional states including joy, contentment, gratification, amusement, satisfaction, triumph and euphoria.

加拿大代写 :与幸福相关的情感状态

Researches have also said that happiness might be found when one buys what they like, when one lives comfortably, when one is comfortably fed and also when one is meditating. There have been a number of concepts and theories to discuss the same. It is said by many that religion is correlated to happiness, and others believe that intrinsic and extrinsic factors are also responsible. Further, to sum up, it was concluded that happiness could depend on various things, could be different for different people, and also could be manipulated via different set of factors. Therefore, Martin Seligman, a psychologist has provided with an acronym PERMA which condenses the factors that make human beings the happiest:Eating what one likes, warm baths, vacations and so on.Engaging in various activities which one likes, learns and absorbs from.Parents, siblings, marriage.A sense of belonging to something bigger in the world.Being appreciated and praised 。
