

地球上的资源和生命维持设施并非无底洞,也不受特定星球的限制。人口的指数增长和对自然资源的不计后果的使用已经为这个星球制造了许多机会危机。麦肯锡预测,到21世纪中期,20%的人口将进入中产阶级,这意味着自然资源、能源生产、燃料消耗和污染将面临巨大压力(Cucinotta, 2013)。研究小组的火星成员被问及在太阳系一个全新的星球上寻找商机的可行性和机会的各种问题,背景分析得出了非常有希望的结果。

上个月,美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(NASA)发现了植物中存在的水的证据,并发表了相关研究,表明拥有一个完整的生命维持系统的可能性在地球上并非遥不可及的梦想。鉴于上述情况,洛克·马丁提出了一项令人震惊的宣言,他将前往地球,探索生命持续的机会、商业机会和发展商业的新渠道,并建立辅助单位,以支持新地球的商业和生活。这一大胆举措得到了丰富的自然资源的支持(Cucinotta, 2013)。新发现的咸水条纹是人类物种努力生存的基本生命支持机制。这一发现无疑是一项重大的科学突破。对于国防承包商洛克希德·马丁公司的总裁、董事长兼首席执行官玛丽琳·休森来说,这一发现也给了她一个宣扬公司致力于探索地球的机会。


The resources and life sustainining facilities in planet earth is not bottomless or restricted for the particular planet. The given exponential rise in population and reckless usage of natural resources has built a number of opportunity crisis for the planet. The McKinsey predicted that 20% of the demography will enter the middle class by the mid of 21st century which indicates tremendous pressure on natural resources, energy production, fuel consumption and pollution (Cucinotta, 2013). The focus group of Mars members were asked variety of questions regarding the feasibility and opportunity of looking out for business opportunities in an entirely new planet in the solar system and the contextual analysis leads to very promising results.

Last month, NASA led to some sticking discovery of finding evidences of water in the plant and the resultant research published that possibility of having a fully fledged life support system is not a distant dream in the planet. In light of the above situation, Lock head Martin made an astounding declaration of moving to the planet to explore life sustaining opportunities, business opportunities and model new channel for developing business and building the ancillary units to support business and life in the new planet. This bold move is supported by the abundant availability of natural resources (Cucinotta, 2013). The new found streaks of salty water is the basic life supporting mechanism for human species to strive and survive. The discovery was no doubt a major scientific breakthrough, and for Marillyn Hewson, president, chairman, and chief executive officer of defense contractor Lockheed Martin, the finding was also a chance to tout her company’s commitment to the exploration of the planet.
