

自由放任式领导是一种代表式领导。在这种领导方式下,领导者是不干涉的,给团队成员很大的自主权。几乎没有来自管理层的指导。员工有很大的自主权(Bass and Riggio, 2006)。领导确保为员工提供完成工作所需的工具。小组成员应该自己解决问题。领导们决定项目的最终结果。

加拿大护理学论文代写 :自由放任式领导

这种领导形式的好处是有高度的自主权。这在成员的技术知识高于组长的情况下是有用的。尽管这个词的意思是完全不干涉,但它仍然可以用于小组成员(Nickson, 2013)。这种领导方式的缺点是,与其他领导方式相比,生产力很低。人们往往会偏离轨道,有时会错过最后期限。工作的问责性和透明度变得模糊,导致了一些问题(Bass and Riggio, 2006)。由于这种领导形式的责任不明确,成员之间有很多相互推卸的责任。这会导致很多问题。

加拿大护理学论文代写 :自由放任式领导

Laissez Faire kind of leadership is a delegate form of leadership. In this kind of leadership, the leaders are hands-off and provide the group members with a lot of autonomy. There is very little guidance from the management. There is a lot of autonomy for the employee (Bass and Riggio, 2006). The leaders ensure that the people are provided with the tools that are needed for the completion of the work. The group members are expected to resolve the issues on their own. The leaders take the final outcome of the project.

加拿大护理学论文代写 :自由放任式领导

The benefits of this form of leadership are that there is high autonomy. This is useful in cases when the technical knowledge of the members is higher than the group leaders. Even though the term means completely hands-off, it still remains available to the group members (Nickson, 2013). The disadvantages of this form of leadership are that the productivity is very low when compared to the other leadership styles. The people tend to go off-track and there is the situation where the deadlines are missed. The accountability and transparency of the work gets obscure leading to a number of issues (Bass and Riggio, 2006). Since the accountability is not clear in this form of leadership, there is a lot of blame shifting between the members. This leads to a lot of issues.
