

Elderly employment

Among OECD countries Japan handled one of the lowest rates of unemployment. Generally people were not very interested in issues of unemployment. However, the unemployment and employment of the elderly has often essential problems in those days, because they are related closely to the public pension reform issue. Major reforms of public pension were implemented, which set ups the current two-tiered framework of public pension.

Youth people employment
Among OECD countries the high rate of unemployment is a necessary problem, but it was not given serious assumption in Japan. Thus this fact does not essentially denote a lesser unemployment rate among the youths of Japan. Rather, the Japanese youth people unemployment rate is relatively high that of the elderly people then it is due to the fact that the high rate of unemployment among elderly gains more attention, not because people are disinterested in higher unemployment rate of youths but because the issues of elderly unemployment are described in the concept of public pension schemes.







