

Kara等(2013)研究了压力在特定环境下的影响。它们似乎暗示了组织中的压力对组织有多重负面影响。其影响范围从员工的倦怠导致身体和情绪的疲惫,到离职问题和冲突。Kara et al.(2013)认为,领导力、组织学习、适应和培训措施是减轻负面压力影响所必需的。




Kara et al. (2013) study the effects of stress in a specific context. They seem to imply that stress in organization has multiple adverse effects for the organization. The effects range from the burnout of employees leading to physical and emotional exhaustion to turnover issues and conflicts. Kara et al. (2013) argue that leadership, organizational learning, adaptation and training measures are needed to mitigate the adverse stress effects.


For instance, consider some workplaces where work shift assignments are implemented. The use of work shift assignments could result in stress increased practices. The use of work-shift assignments is an employment practice that many organizations as in the case of hospitals for instance, practice on a regular basis. To meet the demands of the customer, sometimes, it is necessary to work in a 24-hour work schedule. Organizational advantages could be possible. However, there would also be areas of concerns.
