

通过这个过程,组织的目标是拥有该组织最大股票量的股东(Das, Raskhit和Debasish, 2009)。这类股东可以要求接管公司。因此,该组织专注于从这些股东手中回购股份。组织通常与这些股东就股票定价进行讨价还价,因为涉及到大量的股票。因此,这些股东获得的股票定价价值高于现有市场估值(Jong, Dijk & Veld, 2000)。

在将股息值作为信号的情况下,这些案例研究基本上突出了定价结构。这有助于关注股息价值,因为投资者对跨部门组织的生产率和投资回报感到困惑。投资者通常把注意力集中在一个组织在投资时的最近估值上,这个估值是由不知名的分析师计算出来的(Fried, 2001)。当他们知道按时间价值计算的成分时,财富价值会随着时间轴最小化,在这段时间内,组织的资产价值会导致现金价值最大化。因此,由于对风险稳定性的广义预测,股利价值多元函数的目标被拒绝。这种结构本身描述了未来预测的股息价值,根据盈利能力的组织,其中缺乏适当的数据。该模型期望对盈利企业的投资应该是长期的,而即使是对该投资的所有权也可以改变给其他投资者(Bhattacharya, 1979)。

现金分配的最大例子之一与世界上最著名的软件公司之一有关。2004年,软件巨头微软宣布每股分红3美元,并回购3000万美元的股票。当时,它持有560亿美元的现金,其中330亿美元分给了股东(Tien, 2008)。对这一决定有多种解释;但是,最好的是,考虑到本组织的增长和规模,它没有留下任何适当的投资渠道。在那个时候,已经没有其他的投资渠道了,因为它已经成为了市场的领导者。从1999年末到2001年年中,当股息支付率达到前所未有的低水平时,科技泡沫的破裂导致整个经济放缓,更不用说科技行业了。由于大多数组织的库存已经急剧减少,组织从事高风险收购是有风险的(Evans & Gentry, 2000)。

加拿大论文代写 :组织股息值谈判过程

Through this process, the organization targets the shareholders who are having the maximum volume of shares of that organization (Das, Raskhit and Debasish, 2009). This kind of shareholders could claim a takeover on the organization. Hence, the organization is focused on repurchasing the shares from such shareholders. Organizations use to bargain with these shareholders in regards of share pricing, as large volume of shares are concerned. As a result of it, such shareholders are offered with a higher value of share pricing than the available marketplace valuation (Jong, Dijk & Veld, 2000).
In which cases dividend values are taken as signalling, basically those case studies highlight the pricing structure. It helps to focus on the dividend value where investors are confused about the productivity and return on investment towards cross section organizations. Investors use to keep their attention towards the recent valuation of an organization at the time of investment which is calculated by unknown analysts (Fried, 2001). It happens as they came to know the component which is taken as per time value, the wealth value gets minimized along with time axis and during this time period the assets value of an organization causes the maximization of cash values. So the object of diversified functions in dividend values have got rejected due to generalized prediction of risk stability. This structure itself describes the future predicted dividend value as per profitability of an organization where there is a lack of proper data. This model expects that investment towards a profitable venture should be for a long time whereas even the ownership of that investment could be changed to other investors as well (Bhattacharya, 1979).
One of the biggest examples of cash distribution relates to one of the most famous software companies of the world. In the year 2004, the software giant Microsoft declared a dividend of $3 per share and a $30 million buy back of shares. At that point of time, it had held $56 billion in cash of which it gave out $33 billion to the shareholders (Tien, 2008). There were multi-faced explanations to this decision; however, the best of them was that the organization was not left with any suitable avenues for investment considering its growth and size. At that point of time, there were no other avenues left for investment as it had emerged out to be the market leader. The bursting of the technology bubbles from late 1999 to mid-2001—when dividend payout ratios reached unprecedented lows—led to a slow-down in the whole economy, not to mention the technology sector. As the stocks of most of the organizations had been depleting steeply, it was risky for the organization to engage in risky acquisitions (Evans & Gentry, 2000).
